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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to see I was in another room and there was clothes and stuffed on some kind of dolls you would see in a clothes store. I was out of the blanket, but still on it and on a bed and had no idea who's room I was in. I just got up and was about to leave, but then I saw a picture on the desk and it was me in the living room the time I found the giant bear and took it to my room. Nobody was there when I did that or at least I don't think so. I just made it to the door, but when I opened it I saw Yuri and she was about to open the door too, so this must be her room.


Yuri-Oh, you're finally up. Just in time too. Can I have you for just a little longer for something, please?

She just pushed me back in her room and closed the door and put me in the middle of her room and put my arms up before she wrapped something around me, but I was thinking about the pictures she has of me in her room.

(Y/N)-Yuri,... why did you take pictures of me while hiding?

Yuri-Oh, I do that with everyone here. Don't think of too much. It's just a little hobby of mine.

(Y/N)-You take pictures of everyone while hiding for fun?

Yuri-I like to call it observing. The only I can't get is Ayaka.

(Y/N)-So are you like a spy?


I thought girls were kinda weird before, but now I think they're just crazy or maybe it's just them. Soon Yuri did stop, but put me back on her bed.

Yuri-I'm going to ask you a few questions, ok. First one is, how often do you cuddle and what or who do you do it most with.

(Y/N)-Um... Well... I do it with... my t-toys when... Nevermind.

She only smiled and typed some stuff down and she asked me what else I like to do and I told her I like to swim, but I have to wear floaties still because it was still hard, I also liked to play some video games, and told her about the time I was at a petting zoo. After a few more questions she finally asked this and it was kinda weird.

Yuri-Do you... have any siblings? I have a strong feeling you don't have a dad.

(Y/N)-Um, no,... but...


(Y/N)-I mean... sometimes my mommy left me with a babysitter, but she didn't this time and took me here... She liked it when I called her my big sister and she does the same thing to her little brother... She's nice, but she's also... a little...

Yuri-Come on, spit it out. I won't judge.

(Y/N)-She liked playing dress up.

Yuri-What's weird about that? It's just a game.

I felt my face get warm because she doesn't know what I had to dress like and she never took no for an answer. She even begged my mom to watch me for the year that she's gone. I didn't want to think about it and keep that a secret from everyone.

Yuri-Well anyway, I think I got plenty of ideas and i'll be borrowing you again soon enough.


Yuri-Off you go. Ayaka should be making dinner soon.

She just carried me to her door and kissed my head before she put me in the hallway and closed her door. I just left to go back to my room, but then I saw something next to the door and it looked like another bag for school or something, but I don't think it was the girls unless they got a new one. I just went to my room and was about to open the door just wanting to lay on my big bear.

(Ayaka's POV)

I was relaxing a bit and have a snack to help me from a bit of a hangover before dinner and everything was kinda fuzzy, but a remember bits and parts involving (Y/N). Nishiki went home, so it should be quiet until dinner since the girls are relaxing and Yuri told me she had (Y/N) when she was down here, but then...


I snapped out of my thoughts and ran to the screaming and it came from (Y/N)'s room and I even saw the door was open. When I made it to the door I saw my sister Nana in here and she was bent over with her back turned to me and I don't know when she got here, but I just hope she wasn't hurt.


Ayaka-Nana, are you alright?!

Nana-He's just...

Just then she suddenly spun around and had (Y/N) in her arms while holding him tightly.


Nana-SO ADORABLE!!! Where did you find him?

I was relieved to see that nobody was hurt and I guess Nana didn't get the news because I was waiting for (Y/N) to get settled in some more. She would not stop adoring him while I explained the situation from the beginning and when I got to a certain part...

Nana-Wait, wait, wait, you get to keep this little guy for a whole year all to yourself?! You have to share with me! You know how much my friends would love this?!... Can I take him home and watch him?

Ayaka-I already promised his mom that I would care for him, so that's going to be a no. You may come over and visit, but I can't let you take him home.

Nana-Please, just the weekends. It's almost summer.

Ayaka-Maybe if it's ok with him in the future, but not right now.

Nana-No fair!

Just then I turned and saw the other girls at the door watching this scene and I just smiled and waved before I took (Y/N) from Nana since he looked very flustered.


When I put him down he just went to his big teddy bear and hid behind it. The adorable part was that I think he crawled on it's back a little to hide.

Nana-No fair, you get the cutest boy from America delivered to your doorstep!

Yuzu-Would you knock it off?! You obsession for younger boys is not only against school rules!

Nana-Oh yeah, who's this then?~

She just gave Yuzu an evil smile before she started to chase him and quickly caught her to pull her in a hug. They were only playing, so I left them alone and went over to (Y/N) and I saw him hiding his face in his new bear.

Ayaka-Awww, sorry for whatever I did while I was... a little drunk. You wanted want to be treated like a big boy, don't you?~

He only had a little pouty look in his one eye I could see since the rest of his face was in the bear. I just pet his head and he let me. I got him to come out of his room, but he did take his stuffed dog with him to the living room with him while Nana was playing with Yuri and Sumire now.

(Nana's POV)

I was done with the girls and i was going to go back to the cutie and he wasn't in his room anymore, so I checked the living room and saw Ayaka leaving him on a couch to go in the kitchen and make dinner, but I set my eyes on the prize.


He was cuddling a cute little stuffed animal when I walked up to him and hopped over the couch to sit next to him and he kinda jumped.

Nana-Hey cutie.~

I rubbed my finger on his check and he leaned away from it while squinting a little and I just giggled and pulled him in on my lap and he was perfect fit.

Nana-Just look at you. Mind if we take a selfie?

(Y/N)-Um... ok.

Nana-Thank you.~

I got out my phone and held it up above us and I wrapped one arm around us and gave a peace sign to the camera with a smile while he just looked a like nervous, but gave a smile smile. I took the pictures and I already know my friends are going to be so jealous over this.

Nana's mind-Now what should I say... hashtag cutie acquired.~

I sent the picture and no harm in getting others before dinner time and maybe spending the night.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Nana took some pictures of me and when the others came in Yuri even showed her the ones she had of me and gave her some copies on paper. I was still on her lap and just tried to get off, but when I did she grabbed my shoulders and pulled me down so my head was on her lap.

Nana-Where are you going little cutie?~

She just pet my head and my mommy does this too and I do like it, but maybe i shouldn't let her know that. I only just got up and she got a little mad before she smiled and leaned in and bit my ear a little. It did not hurt, but something happened...

(Y/N)-*Gasp* *whine*.

I had no idea where that came from, but she looked so happy.

Nana-Oh. My. God. You're like the cutest thing ever!

She kept on talking about how cute I was, but I just hid my face in my stuffed dog. I can't believe I just did that, why did I do that, I never did that before, does everyone do that when you bite their ear?

Ayaka-Oh girls, dinner won't be ready for a while. Maybe you should all play a game to pass the time. It would be good for (Y/N) to adapt here.

Nana-Oh, let's play truth or dare. Like old times when I lived here?

I didn't know that she used to live here, but I don't think I wanted to play that game.

(Timeskip 5 Minutes)

They all said that I have to play and Yuzu made a rule for no kissing when she got the bottle and it took a few turns before it landed on me and it was by Sumire.


Sumire-Truth or dare?

(Y/N)-Um... truth?

Sumire-If you had to pick right now, who is your favorite here?

They were all looking at me and I had no idea, I just got here yesterday. Ayaka is super nice, but she was crazy when her friend was over and drinking beer or something, Yuzu is... I don't know exactly, but she's not always nice, Yuri is like a spy around here, and Sumire talks like she has no emotions and I thought she hated me after I made her cry... Maybe she wants to be my favorite or she'll cry again.

(Y/N)-Um... You.

Sumire-Huh? Why?

(Y/N)-Well... Ayaka is nice and all, but she got crazy when she drank something with her friend. You seem nice too... I'm sorry for hurting you too.

Nana-Awww, you're just a little sweetheart! What does it take to be your favorite?!

Yuzu-Hey, it's not your turn!


I just spun the bottle, but it rolled off and hit Nana's leg and it pointed at Yuri and all she was laughing at how the bottle went, but all she said was...


I was thinking about it and I remember being in her room earlier and I still don't know why. This was good time to ask, but what if she just lies.

(Y/N)-... Why did you take me in your room when I was asleep?

Yuri-You just looked so cute wrapped up in Nishiki's arms and I wondered how you would look in some outfits and so far I already have 4 in mind.

Nana-*Gasp* You have to give me copies when you get the pictures! I also want to take pictures with me in them!

(Ayaka's POV)

I was peaking in the room and it was cute that my heart skipped a beat. I might have him sleep with me tonight other in my room or in his room. I went back to putting the final touches on dinner when all the sudden my phone dinged from a text message and I finished up dinner before I saw the message. My heart went from feeling so happy to feeling like it was torn out of my chest and stomped on right in front of me.

(M/N) (Text)-Hey Ayaka, I found someone to take my spot in this trip and i'll be over tomorrow night to pick up my son and take him in the morning. Thank you so much for watching him and maybe we'll by to visit sometimes, we'll do lunch on me.

I actually had a tear come out of my eye and when I wiped it away I just tried to tell myself that this was always going to happen and it was good (Y/N) was going back to his mother. All children are happier with their parents like her. When I got all the food to the table, I didn't bother to look at my food, but at all of them, especially... (Y/N).


Nana-Hey sis, are you ok?

Ayaka-Oh, um, I was just thinking... let's have a movie night to celebrate (Y/N) and my sister being here.

Yuri-Just no horror movies. President watched one a few nights with us and it still gets to here.

Yuzu-Wh-What?! Does not!

It was cute to see Yuzu trying to act brave in front of us and I plan to watch something family friendly for (Y/N), but I started to feel angry, but not at him.

Ayaka-(Y/N),... you like it here, right? Are we nice?

(Y/N)-Y-You're nice... I like it here.

Ayaka-I'm so glad to hear that.

During the whole dinner he was so hypnotizing to watch eat and the whole movie we were all so close together and he was between Nana and I and he was so cuddly until he fell asleep in the middle of the movie. The others heard his little snores and Yuri used her finger to play with his hand a little while he was asleep and he gripped her finger. Slowly nobody was watching the movie and gently playing with (Y/N) or in Yuzu's case, wanted to do it, but was fighting.

Ayaka's mind-This moment is just so perfect. I don't want it to end... Maybe it shouldn't.

She can't just plan to dump her kid for a year just to please her bosses at the expense of her son's quality time and who's to say moments similar to this has not happened before.

Ayaka's mind-I know i'll have time for you... You'll be mine for now on.~


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