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((Y/N)'s POV)

My mom just dropped us off at school and we saw the others at the gate before we went to our spot and Kenzie gave me a skittle and I didn't have to do anything. The morning was just us talking and hanging out, wanting to talk about the sleepover this weekend and when the bell rang we went to line up before heading in for class and when we got in we got to our seats and the teacher brought 2 new kids up front.


Mr. Tesla-Class I would like to introduce 2 new students and they're brother and sister. Their names are Gavin and Tess. Would you 2 like to speak to the class?


Mr. Tesla-Come on, nobody is-.

Gavin-I said no!

Just then his sister pushed him up a bit and he got really mad.

Tess-Just speak you punk.

Gavin-Shut up, don't touch me!

Tess-Make me!

(Y/N)'s mind-They don't sound very nice.

The teacher broke them up and looked for open seats and we only had 2 left. Tess was 2 seats away from Kenzie and Gavin was across from me and when he saw me looking at him he got mad.

Gavin-What are you looking at, you bi-?!

Mr. Tesla-Gavin, do you already need a visit to the principals office?

Tess-Remember what mom and dad said.

Gavin-*Tch* When do you care about mom and dad?!

Trinity pulled my chair closer to her chair and Mr. Tesla already sent Gavin to the office before he started to take role call. Soon we started with a video for the class about DNA for science. I wonder what Tess is like since she stood up to her brother and so far not talking to anyone. When recess started I went to see Tess myself instead of going to my spot with my friends to talk to her and see if she might wanna be friends, but when she saw me walking to her, she just looked a little mad.


Tess-What do you want?

(Y/N)-I um... wanted to thank you for standing up to your brother for me and maybe we can be friends?

Tess-I did it for myself and i'll tell you what I told the other girls that wanted me to be friends with them... Take a hike!

(Y/N)-Hey, I just wanted to be friends.

Tess-No, you just want me around, so my brother doesn't "bully" and "fight" you!

(Y/N)-No, I swear that's not why!

Tess-Then why do you want to be friends? Huh?

(Y/N)-Well... um... you're new and you were alone here. I have other friends.

Tess-Look, my brother is in detention probably going to end up with another suspicion soon, you don't need a body guard.

(Y/N)-I don't want you to be a body guard!

Tess-If I go with and see your friends for like 30 seconds, will you shut up!



She got up and I started to take her to the others and she was mean like her brother, but not as mean in a way.

(Tess's POV) age: 6

I get sent to another stupid school because of my stupid twin brother and now I have to go meet some stupid boys! They just want me incase my brother comes for them and when I got to see his friends, it did surprise me on what they were.


???-(Y/N)! Where were you?!

(Y/N)-I brought Tess over to see if we could be friends, but she thinks that we want her for a body guard against her brother.


(Y/N)-Tess, these are my friends. The white haired girl is Kenzie, the one with the bow is Trinity, the blonde is Bella, and that's Heather.


Trinity-Your the sister of that mean kid that almost hurt my best friend!

Tess-I get that a lot.

(Trinity's POV)

I don't know why (Y/N) would bring her over here then her brother might want to be with us too and I don't want that meanie near my friend. (Y/N) had Tess sit with us and  he was being the same as usual and letting Tess in on some talks and some were about her.

(Y/N)-Hey Tess, so if you don't live far, you can come over to my house after school with Trinity, Bella, and me.

Tess-... What?... You do know my brother won't ever go to your house to mess with you.

(Y/N)-I'm not asking him. I just want to see if you want to come over and hangout. I got a pool, video games, a T.V. in my room, and Trinity and Heather live close to my house, so maybe we can go there.

She looked a little surprised when he said that, but she only looked down and a little mad.

Tess-Thanks, but I have to walk home with my brother, we only live 2 blocks from here and I have to watch him.

Heather-I thought you said you were the same age?

Tess-We are. Maybe if he gets suspended I can come over tomorrow... If I feel like it.

I just held my best friend close when the bell rang and her men brother was going to be in the class again, but when we got there, he wasn't there.


(Tess's POV)

The school day just ended and Gavin had to wait in the office all day because he got into a fight in detention and got suspended, again. On the way home he almost got into 3 other fights, but he knows what happens if he fights me, I put him on the ground and if he really pisses me, last time I gave him a black eye and knocked a tooth out. When we got home I tried to go straight to my room before my dad sees me and Gavin went to the kitchen and put his suspension form on the table before he stomped to his room. I heard someone in there and it was probably mom and when I got to my room, I laid on my bed and I thought about tomorrow. If those guys were just using me for protection against my brother, I can just use them to get away from her.


There it is and they know am here too now and I heard my mom and Gavin yelling then soon my door opened and it was my dad then he closed the door behind him.


Dad-Hey honey. Gavin got in trouble again, huh?

Tess-Can you just go yell at Gavin to see his counselor again?

Dad-Sweetie, what kind of dad would I be if I didn't give my strong little warrior the attention she deserves. You know i'm always so proud of you when you put your foot down and put up a fight.

He brushed some of my hair over my ear and leaned in close and I was frozen. I don't want him to get too "proud" of me for fighting back.

Dad-*Sigh*... I love it when the ladies get feisty.~ *whisper*

Tess-Dad, go away. I have homework.

Dad-Oh,... I think you're lying.~

He only rubbed my leg and he was about to put his finger in my pants, but thankfully something happened.

Mom-Damien! Get in here and talk to your son! We're taking him to his appointment tomorrow!

Dad-*Groan*... Maybe next time.~

He just patted my leg and kissed my hand before he left and when he did I locked my door and went to hiding spot where I have my camera I bought with 3 months of allowance and this makes for the 27th time I got something like this on tape. When I hit around 30, i'm showing this to the police and putting my dad away for hopefully until i'm old enough to move out. I got the idea from my cousin's friend and her dad was still in jail because he's getting years in jail.


The most he ever put in me was 2 fingers and his tongue and I hope that's as far as it goes. I have videos when he touches me, flirts with me, or makes me take of my clothes off for him in my room when mom isn't home and Gavin is locked in his room. Only 3 more times and it'll be over and even when he gets out of jail, hopefully he might not be allowed near me. I tried telling others before, but mom doesn't believe me and the police don't either. I thought of the other times when I added the video to my laptop when I was forced to watch and hear them.

Tess-*Sniffle* *whimper*.

My lip was quivering before I pulled myself together and sucked it up.

Tess's mind-I need a break... Maybe, going over to that boys house with those girls doesn't sound bad. Can't be worse than this.

(Timeskip Tomorrow After School)

My brother should be at his appointment still and I didn't talk with (Y/N) or his friends at all today and they did look happy and had fun together. The only weird thing was that Kenzie was feeding him candy out of her hand, but nothing weird like my dad does comes from (Y/N), so after school I caught them before they left.



They all turned to me and when I walked up to them (Y/N) looked a little happy.

Tess-You... said I could come over?


Tess-Ok then. My brother is at his counselor appointment, so my parents won't care as long as I call them. Can you wait?

Trinity-My mom is going to give us a ride will be here in a bit.


I went to the office to use the phone and called my mom and I told her I was going to a friends, but she just said ok to get back to my brothers problems and I just hung up... I hate my family. When I had a tear in my eye the counter person looked at me before I left and I made it back out front and saw the others waiting in front of a car telling me to come. When I got in we started to drive and I was just looking out the window and waiting for us to stop and get out to go to (Y/N)'s house. When we got out I just followed them and I just realized that Kenzie wasn't here. Maybe she just went home and suddenly I got a tap on my shoulder.

(Y/N)-Hey, you ok? You were quiet the whole way here.

Tess-I'm fine. Where's your house?

(Y/N)-Just down the street.

We walked to a house and when we got inside I saw who must be his mom and he just grabbed my hand before pulling me up front to her.


(Y/N)-Mommy, this is Tess. She's the new girl at school I told you about at dinner.

Tess-Uh,... hi.

(Y/N)'s mom-Well hello there. He told me about you and your little brother.

Tess-Actually we're twins. We were born on the same day.

(Y/N)'s mom-Well I just hope you can be good friends.

(Y/N)-Come on!

He pulled me upstairs and the others came with us to his room and he did have a T.V. and video games in here and when I looked out his window, there was a pool in the backyard, like he said. At least he wasn't lying, but with him being friends with only girls makes me think if he's no better than my dad.

Tess-So now what?

Trinity-I wanna play on the Oculus!

(Y/N)-Since Tess is new, maybe she should go first.

He just grabbed a headset and helped me put it on gave me controllers and helped me get a game started and I played one called Beat Saber and started on a tutorial. After that I played 3 songs before they said my turn was up and Heather got next and when I sat down I saw Bella sitting really close to (Y/N) and she was drawing in a notebook and showing him pictures she drew and I saw them too. They were really good.

(Y/N)-So, what did you think of the game.

Tess-It was... actually fun.

Bella-(Y/N), lay down with me.

(Y/N)-Why do you wanna-?

She just pulled him down on the bed and wrapped her arms around him in a hug and the weird part is that "she" wanted it, not him. I thought only boys wanted to touch girls, but Bella is even having fun holding him down with her and Trinity piled on them while Heather was still playing, but the noise of them made her laugh and the room was full of laughter.

(Timeskip 3 hours)

Earlier I had (Y/N)'s mom call my mom then we were watching a movie now and this was actually kinda nice. Nobody was asking about my family, me fighting my brother, or my brother at all. Others that wanted to be "friends" just wanted me incase Gavin comes around them, but here, it was just fun, and (Y/N) doesn't do anything my dad does.

(Y/N)-Hey Tess, can I ask you something?

Tess-Uhhh, sure.

Maybe I was stupid to think this was real. He's gonna ask about my brother and why he's the prick he is.

(Y/N)-We're having a sleepover this weekend at my house and I would like it if you come.


(Y/N)-You know, a sleepover... It's when-.

Tess-I know what it is.

Bella-Um, are you sure your mom will let her?

Trinity-There's already me, Bella, Heather, and Kenzie.

(Y/N)-My mommy is really nice and she already likes you, Bella is staying for a while, she likes Heather too, and Kenzie is really nice. One more won't hurt.

Tess-Actually,... I don't know what to say... I can ask.

I never got asked to sleepover somewhere and just then we heard the sound of a doorbell and I think I know who was at the door and when I went to go see, I saw my mom.


Mom-Oh, there she is. Come on Tess, I gotta make dinner when we get home. I got your backpack. I went down the stairs and saw the others looking at me and I just waved at them goodbye and our moms spoke for a bit before we left and I saw my dad and Gavin in the car.


I saw my friends looking at me through the window before we drove off and Gavin was just pouting and looked mad.

Mom-So Tess, how was your new friend's house?

Tess-Fine... I... got asked to stay the night this weekend.

Mom-Well good for you. Did the mom ask you that?

Tess-No, it was my friends and I thought I would ask you first.

Gavin-Bet it's because they saw you fight me in class. Losers.

Mom-Gavin, stop. We're sending you to that reform camp if you get expelled, again.


Dad-Keep that up and you will.

Mom-Maybe some time with your new friends can be a good thing.

Tess-Make me happy.

Gavin grabbed my arm and I grabbed his and twisted it to make him let go. When we got home I saw my dad smiling at me and I just walked faster and stayed close to mom, so he wouldn't do anything.

Tess-I can ask (Y/N) to ask his mom tomorrow.

Dad-Actually, I think while you check out the reform school this weekend with Gavin, Tess and I can have a bonding weekend.

Tess-No, I think I would rather be with my new friends. (Y/N) is actually-.

Dad-(Y/N)? A boy? I'm gonna want to know more about this "friend" before you start sleeping over there. You can see him at school, but when I drop you off tomorrow, I wanna meet him.

Mom-Don't you think you're overreacting? They're first graders.

Dad-And the lesson for that boy I wanna give is that he knows that Tess is "my" little girl.

Tess-Dad! Mom!

Dad-I'm sorry, but you're staying home with me this weekend.

He doesn't care about bonding, he just wants us alone, so he can do what he wants to me! Now that I feel like I have real friends for the first time in my life, he wants to keep me from them, so he can stick his fingers in me again! I can tell mom, but she didn't believe me before and won't now with the videos I have and I don't have enough to put my dad in jail for as long as my cousin's friend's dad did.

Mom-Tess, Gavin, go to your rooms. Your dad and I are gonna talk.

I went to my room while hearing my dad lie, not everything, but I know a lot of it were lies. Gavin was punching his bed when he got in his room since he went to the hospital for breaking his hand by punching a wall. I hate my brother because i'm always like his babysitter at home and school, my dad rapes me, and mom doesn't believe me because she believe dad more than me!

Tess's mind-This is so unfair!

I closed and locked my door before I just went to my bed and screamed into my pillow. I just cried thinking if this might be the first and last real friend I will ever have. (Y/N) won't want to be my friend if my dad threatens him like he does to other boys I talk too. I just looked at my laptop and looked at how much video I have and I had 52 minutes and 31 seconds of video. I can either wait to the 30 as planned or just give what I got. I went online and looked up how long my dad could go to jail and I found something where a dad went to jail for 25 years.

Tess's mind-I'll be old enough to move out of here and far away from him by then!

I made room in my backpack and put my laptop in and tomorrow i'll call the police and tell them to meet me at the school.

Tess's mind-This is my first real friend in my whole life, no thanks to you! I'm not going to let you, or Gavin, OR ANYONE RUIN IT!!!


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