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(Alice's POV)

I woke up and when I did I quickly got ready and left my room to go to Bunny's room and I opened the door and saw Brittney and my mom cuddling with Bunny while he was still sleeping and they motioned me to be quiet. I walked over to them and carefully climbed on the bed and he just looked so cute that I just wanted to squeeze him right now.

Brittney-I think it's time for him to get up so we can make breakfast.

Taylor-Wait, let me do it.

Mommy started scratching under his chin and I was confused on way she was doing that.


I was surprised by that, it was so adorable and I was definitely gonna do that to him now.

Alice-Can I stay with him?

Brittney-Of course, we're gonna go make breakfast.


They got up carefully without waking him up then I slowly got into bed with him and cuddled. I could hear his steady breathing and heartbeat and it so soothing and I was gonna take a chance right now. I slowly leaned in and kissed him on the lips and he was still asleep, but he was starting to stir.

(Y/N)-*Groan* Carla.

I was shocked and really angry by what he just said, even if it was just in his sleep and I bet it was that 'girl'.


I shook him now trying to wake him because he wasn't gonna be with that thot, not even in his dreams!

Alice-Wake up now!

He shot his eyes open and quick looked at me and he looked scared from how angry I looked.

(Y/N)-Wh-Wh-Wh-Why did y-y-y-you d-do that?!

Alice-Who's Carla?!

Just then the door opened and my other sisters came in and they looked confused.

Mya-What's going on?

Jullie-Why did you yell?

Alice-He was dreaming about that girl that kissed him at the arcade!


((Y/N)'s POV)

All the girls looked and me and they were super angry and I have no idea how Alice knew what I was dreaming about. Mya came over and pulled me out of bed and put me on her lap.

Mya-How did you know what Bunny was dreaming about.

Alice-He said a name, 'Carla'.

Tiffany-Was Carla the girl who kissed you at the arcade?


Ashley-So why were you dreaming about her?

(Y/N)-I-I don't know.

Hannah-Do you have feelings for her?!

Mya-When she kissed you, did you like it?!

Jullie-Do you love her?!

Alice-You should only love us!

They were all glaring at me and I was speechless because I didn't even know how I felt and I couldn't focus on that right now.

Tiffany-Do you know where she is, did she give you a number, email, anything?!

(Y/N)-Uhhhh... no.

I don't think they believed me and they got even more mad.

Mya-Don't you dare lie to us.

Hannah-The box may be for timeout, but we still got the room if you're extra bad.

The glares they gave me sent shivers down my spine and I had an idea where she4 might be.

(Y/N)-Sh-She told m-me sh-sh-she's at th-the a-a-arcade a lot.

Jullie-I'm telling mommy.

Jullie ran out of the room and even else kept staring at me.

Tiffany-Why didn't you tell us sooner?

Mya-Were you defending her?

Ashley-Why would you do that?

(Y/N)-Are... are y-you gonna h-h-hurt her?

They stayed silent and Mya just put me down and they all started to leave the room.

Mya-You can change into whatever you want.

She closed the door and I heard a little click so since I wasn't getting out I decided to go to my closet and get out of this onesie while also hoping that they just leave her alone.

(Brittney's POV)

The girls came out here soon after Jullie came out while we were making bacon, sausage, and eggs for breakfast and told me that Kitten was dreaming about that tramp from the arcade and her name was 'Carla'. I was thinking on what to do and soon I thought of something.

Brittney-Taylor you and your girls stay here, as for you 3, let's go play some games.


(Carla's POV)

Right now I was playing some ski ball to get some tickets for candy at the prize counter then all the sudden I felt someone tap my shoulder and I saw 2 girls with cat ears and tails.

Carla-Can I... help you?

???-Are you Carla?

Carla-Yeah and i'm taking that since you know my name you must know how I am at this arcade.

???-What are you?

Carla-The champion of this arcade and who are you 2?

???-I'm Jullie.

???-And i'm Ashley.

Carla-So you 2 wanna challenge me?


Carla-Fine, but winner gets to choose what to do with the loser and i'll even let you choose which games we play, best 2 out of 3.


(Ashley's POV)

Mommy gave us $20 each and we turned those into quarters before we ran into after Hannah pointed her out and went to go wait with mommy, but that wasn't all. On the way here we had time to learn cheat codes for a few games so we had the upper hand.

(No POV)

Jullie/Ashley's mind-Let's play you tramp.


(Carla's POV)

They won the first game and that was Pac-Man Battle Royale and we were in our second game and that was Guitar Hero III and we were on expert and that was fine by me since I was hella good at this game and I was up against Jullie. During the song I was only missed a few, but Jullie was getting all of them and by the time the song was over... I lost.

Carla-No... I can't lose, that was my song on the hardest difficulty, I should've won that!

Ashley-A deals a deal.

Carla-Fine, what do you want me to do?

Jullie-Follow us.

We put up the controllers up and I followed out the arcade and soon out of the mall.

Carla-What are we doing out here?

Jullie-We just need some get something before we go home.

I continued following them until now we were behind the mall and at a dead end into a wall with nothing, but lose pieces of paper on the ground and we stopped.

Carla-There's nothing here.

They only turned around and for some reason they were smiling and it was kinda creepy.

Carla-Why are you smiling?

Ashley-You did something that made us really 'really' mad.

Carla-What? I don't even know you.

Jullie-But we... know you.

I was slowly backing up now to get away from them.

Carla-Stay away from me!

Jullie-Where do you think you're going?

Carla-Away from you creeps!

Ashley-See you when you wake up.


Suddenly I felt something hit me really hard in the back of my head and everything quickly faded into darkness and silence.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Earlier Taylor came into my room and took me out then she took me to the living room to have breakfast then watched (F/O/C) again and I was actually getting into this show, but I still had my worries about where Brittney, Hannah, Jullie, and Ashley were.


Taylor-What is it Bunny?~

(Y/N)-Wh-Where are th-th-the others? They were g-g-gone for a-a-a l-long t-time.

Taylor-Don't worry about them, they just needed to go do an errand.

Alice-You just sit there and love us.

Mya-And be a good Bunny.~

(Y/N)-S-So you aren't m-m-mad anymore.

Taylor-Just pretend it never happened because it won't matter anymore.

(Y/N)'s mind-What did she mean by that?

Suddenly the I heard the door open and when I looked to see them come in Taylor turned my head back to the T.V. before I saw anything.

Brittney-Don't look Kitten, it's a surprise to say we're sorry for being so hard on you.

Taylor-Everything is fine Bunny, just watch the show.

Tiffany-We watched this when we were your age.

Mya-And you know what they say, you can't beat the classics.

I heard the front door close and soon another door opened down the hall and it took a while before it closed and soon after that the others came in and Brittney gave me a kiss on the lips.

(Y/N)-Wh-What was th-that for?

Brittney-I'm allowed to kiss my Kitten, but where's mommy's you know what?

I gave her a kiss on the lips back since i've done this a lot before.

(Y/N)-I-I love y-y-you m-mommy.

Brittney-I love you too Kitten.~

Just then now everyone wanted what Brittney just got and after everyone gave me a kiss and I gave them a kiss back and said the words they wanted to hear after we all went back to watching the show, but I had 1 question that I was nervous to ask.

(Y/N)'s mind-What was my surprise?


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