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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up and I saw that everyone else was up and Hannah came in with a plate with a cinnamon bun and a glass of milk.


Hannah-Oh, and just when I was about to wake you up.

(Y/N)-H-How long w-w-were y-you g-guys up?

Hannah-Well our moms were the first ones up and they already took of to go get stuff for your room and we decided to make some cinnamon buns for breakfast.

Mya-Then after breakfast you're going with Alice, Jullie, and Ashley to the back room while we watch the movers.

Hannah put the food down then put me on her lap then all the girls surrounded me and they each too turns feedin me and letting me have small sips of milk at a time. After we were done we heard a knock at the door then Alice, Jullie, and Ashley instantly grabbed me.

Ashley-Come on Kitten.

Alice-We're going to my room.

They dragged me to Alice's room and she had a huge T.V. in her room too. Jullie shut the door and I was thrown onto a bean bag chair and is was surprisingly comfortable for a bean bag chair.

Alice-My room, I go first!

She ran to her bed and pulled her blanket off then came to me and sat on my lap then threw the blanket over us.

(Y/N)-Wh-What's happening?

Alice-We're gonna take turns cuddling with you on your lap.

Jullie-We switch every 30 minutes... Dibs on going next!

Ashley-Damn it!

Jullie walked over to the table by Alice's bed and grabbed a remote then turned on the T.V. and went to VUDU.

Alice-You 2 can pick, I don't care what we watch.

Alice just snuggled deeper into me and I felt my face getting warmer and when they noticed they just giggled.

Alice-What's the matter Bunny, don't you like to cuddle?~

Ashley-I just love how shy you are Kitten.~

Jullie-It just makes you more adorable when you blush.~

I blushed even harder from embarrassment then Jullie finally picked a movie and it was "Big Hero 6" and during the movie they took turns sitting on my lap like they said.


Our last movie was over and we moved onto the next movie which was "Harry Potter" then during the movie the door opened then Taylor and Brittney came in.

Brittney-Sorry girls, but Kitten has to come with us, but you're coming too to see Kitten's new room.

Jullie-What did you mget?

Brittney-Come and find out.

We got up and Taylor took my hand then we all went down the hall and I saw Tiffany, Mya, and Hannah standing by a door with smiles on their faces.

Hannah-You ready to see your new room Kitten?

Mya-It just looks so precious!

Taylor-We'll let you see it first before we go over the rules.

Hannah opened the door and I saw a giant stuffed cat and rabbit against the wall, there was a big T.V. in my room just like everyone else had in theirs, a big bed, a bathroom, a small table with a walkie talkie on it, and the bed had 3 small stuffed cats and 3 small stuffed rabbits, but at the corner of my room was a big wood box that had a lock on it.

(Y/N)-W-Why is th-that b-b-box locked?

Taylor-Hopefully we would never have to open it.

I now had a pretty good idea idea what kind of stuff is in that box now.

Brittney-Come look what we did to your closet, we got you new outfits and a little something extra.

They took me to a walk in closet in my room and I saw a lot more clothes than I had before, but what really got my attention was what was on the wall. There was a lot of fake cat and rabbit ears as well as belts that had cat and rabbit tails on them and I knew those were for me and my face was burning now which made them all giggle at me.

Taylor-Ok, now let's go over the rules.

We left the closet and they took me to my bed and put me on it and it was actually really comfy.

Taylor-Now rule #1, you can't leave this room unless 1 of us is with you and to make sure that happens we flipped the lock so now it locks on the outside.

Brittney-Rule #2, 1 of us can sleep in here with you or we can take you to our room.

Taylor-Rule #3, if we even hear you trying to leave your room without us coming to get you that's grounds for punishment.

Brittney-Rule #4, when we tell you to where something, you do it and do what we say.

Taylor-Rule #5, you are expected to use your stuffed animals because we paid good money for you.

Brittney-Rule #6, We put that walkie talkie there so if you're hungry you can tell us.

Taylor-Rule #7, If you try as much to stay in you room or make us leave in any way shape or form that's grounds for punishment.

Brittney-Rule #8, You may already know this, but what we say is final and if you don't listen, you'll get punished.

Taylor-Rule #9, Each morning when we check on you, you have to give us a proper greeting.

(Y/N)-L-Like how?

Brittney-Say stuff like "Good morning mommy" or you can say the other girls name.


Brittney-Now finally rule #10, just because you have nice things, doesn't mean we won't take them away when you're bad.

Taylor-And if you're really, really bad then we have another room setup in the house for if that happens.

Brittney-Do you understand these rules Kitten?

(Y/N)-Yes m-m-mommy.

Taylor-Oh and 1 more thing, you can keep calling her "mommy", but to avoid confusion you can call me "mama", understand Bunny?~


Taylor-Yes what?

(Y/N)-Yes m-m-mama.

I felt my face get warmer from saying that and they all giggled at me.

Alice-Mom can Jullie, Ashley, and I stay in here with Bunny?

Taylor-You can come in here anytime, but first we need to go give you a copy of the key.

Brittney-Stay in here Kitten, we'll be right back.

They all left my room and closed the door then I heard a little click so I guess the door is locked now. I just got comfy in my new bed and it was really easy to do since I was sinking into it and it was just so soft and my pillows were so fluffy. It felt nice to have time for myself, even if it was just for a little while, while they go get their keys. Soon the door opened and Jullie, Ashley, and Alice came and closed the door then locked it with a key before running over and coming on my bed.

Jullie-So Kitten, Hannah said that you, Tiffany, Mya, and her are gonna go shopping tomorrow if we spend the rest of the day with you!

Alice-So we told her ok so you get to spend the day with us!

Ashley-And we're gonna sleep in here with you tonight!

The all cuddled with me then Alice grabbed my T.V. remote and put on the movie we didn't get to finish earlier and just before I thought things were settle now.

Ashley-Oh, 1 more thing!

She got of my bed and ran into my closet and came back out with fake kitty ears, but thankfully she didn't have the belt.


Ashley-Here Kitten, put these on.

She gave them to me and I just put them on so I didn't get in trouble.


They all cuddled with me under my blank and my face was burning again, but with that aside we just watched the movie and I was hoping that they didn't get anymore ideas for the rest of the day.


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