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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was night time and we were all in one one and the girls were having spa stuff done to them and I wanted to try to. We were all in bath robes and I was sitting in Manako's lap since Zombina put me there because she said that Manako was feeling lonely and shy and I can see what she means. Her cheeks were so red and it was really hard for her to look at me and I tried giving her a hug to make her feel better and it just made it worse for her and the others found it funny. Just then Ms. Smith took me off Manako's lap and put me on hers.

Ms. Smith-Alright, enough teasing her girls. We're all trying to relax here.

I just looked back at my toes and the wet cotton balls between them and they said this would help moisturize them or something. I didn't feel anything, but I think my favorite me getting  a massage and Miia wanted to give it to me and she was good, but when the girls took turns, I think Lala was the best. She didn't press to hard and when she did my arms and legs it tickled.

Papi-So what should we do after this?! The night just got started!

Ms. Smith-We're staying in here tonight. Curfews are strict in this program, so your child be out after dark without proper clearance and accompanied by one of you and our agents. I don't feel like putting up with that right now.


We went back to doing spa stuff and I was starting to feel a little tired then when Tionsha went to get another hot towel from the cart, but then she looked a little surprise.

Tionsha-Hey, we're all out of hot towels.

Manako-Oh, I used the last one. I'll go get some more.

Zombina-I'll go with you. I'm gonna need to stretch my legs.

When they both left I just stretched my body and it felt so good that I was starting to feel a little bit more tired. I just yawned and the girls saw this and Arachne picked me up from where I was sitting on the bed and held me like a baby.

Arachne-Are you calling it a night already? You just had a nap earlier today and look at you know... You're just so cute when you're sleepy.~

She just rubbed my cheek and I pushed it away to show I wasn't tired and tried to get up of her arms.

(Y/N)-I'm not sleepy, i'm just... very relaxed. I can stay up.

Arachne-Uh huh... Well your bed time is in 3 hours, but if you want to go to bed early then one of us will go with you.

I just pouted because I didn't want to go to bed early after I slept earlier today and if they get to stay up and do more stuff like this then I want to do it too... I kinda like how some of this feels.

(Short Timeskip)

(Zombina's POV)

Manako and I were on our way back with more hot towels for everyone and humans act like they never saw a zombie and cyclopes before. On the way back we took the elevator and there was another monster girl in there already, but we still just got in.


We just stood there in silence and when the door closed the new girl just started to giggle and we both looked at her.

Zombina-Something funny?

???-*Chuckles* What do you say we have some fun?~

((Y/N)'s POV)

Centorea was taking me down the hall to her room and Arachne would be there after she gets all the extra oil and lotion off her body. That bath with that stuff in it really made me tired nd I think they did that on purpose, so I would be very sleepy and now they were coming to bed early with me, but on the way back we ran into Manako and Zombina.



Centorea-Don't mind us. I'm just taking (Y/N) to bed early and Arachne should be following soon.

Zombina-No, how about you give him to us and we were getting tired anyway. Go enjoy your night.

Centorea-I'm his mother. I should be the one to go to bed with him.

Manako-We're hired as body guards and you'll have him back in the morning. He's in good hands.

Centorea-Well... i'll be sure that someone comes to check on him later.

Centorea gave me to Manako before she gave me a kiss goodnight and went back to the others to do spa stuff in the room while taking the hot towels from Zombina. We went to their room to go to bed and when the door closed and locked behind us they put me on the bed and I was still mad I had to go to bed so early. I just crawled in, but the girls didn't crawl in bed with me... they just took their robes off and I thought they might be getting changed, but that wasn't it either because now they got into bed naked and didn't even get under the blankets to get warm.

(Y/N)-What are you 2 doing?

Zombina/Manako-Touch us wherever you want.

They sounded kinda weird and when Zombina took me out of bed with them for them to stand right in front of me with no clothes on I felt a cold breeze on my legs under my robe and thought they were cold.

(Y/N)-Um... Do you want me to turn on the heater?

Manako-Stop stalling, here.

She took my hand and put it on her boob and it was soft, but not the size I like to sleep on. I also thought Manako didn't like it when I touched her and Zombina was just watching us and I looked at all her stiches and... I wonder how strong she is. She saw me looking at her and bent down to me.

Zombina-Where would you like to touch me?

(Y/N)-Hmmm... Can you give me an arm swing?

(Timeskip 10 minutes)

(Lilith's POV)

I just got done having some dinner at the small restaurant in here and thankfully I found a sucker to pay for my meal, so now I was going to go see how those girls are making that kid react to the orders I gave them. I flew up to their window and when I did all I saw was them completely naked and that kid was having both of them swing him and he wasn't even reacting to their bodies at all.


Lilith's mind-Are you kidding me! I did the same thing to best friends before and they wouldn't speak without stuttering.

Lilith-Come on, at least have red cheeks. You can't be completely ok with this like it's normal.

???-Says the girl peaking through the window.


I looked to the side where the voice came from and when I did I saw that spider girl from the beach just standing there on the side of the building, smiling at me in a sinister way.


???-You're lucky my baby's innocence makes him oblivious to seeing a woman nude or I would be "very" upset.

Lilith-H-How did you know?!

???-Please, Zombina was never one likely to volunteer for child care duties and Manako thinks (Y/N) sees her as a freak. They're the 2 least likely that want to take him. I even checked through the window myself and they weren't acting like themselves at all, but even so, it's no harm done and was amusing to watch.

I was amazed about how she could catch on so fast, but also terrified that I was caught so easily or at least it looked like it.

???-As for where I knew where you would be, I had spider webs on the door to tell me if you go in that way, but something told me if anyone were to spy and were a monster with abilities unlike a human then this would be the place. With that, I lied to the girls and told them everything was ok and they were just watching a movie.

Lilith-Wh-Why would you lie to them?! Even if it didn't matter, I thought you were their friend or something!

???-That's easy... I wanted to have you all to myself to play with.~

I was creeped out and tried to fly away, but I was quickly wrapped up in a web that wrapped around my wings, so I couldn't fly anymore then there was 2 more that blindfolded and gagged me before I swung back and was caught by this spider woman only to have my arms and legs tied together, so I can't move.

???-Let me just take care of one thing before we start talking and having fun again.~

Lilith-*Muffled screams*!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was still swinging in Manako and Zombina's arms having fun now, but that changed when the door opened and Arachne came in and closed the door behind her.


Arachne-Well aren't you having fun.

(Y/N)-Uh huh.

Arachne-I might have to make a web swing for you later, but for now you might want to look at the clock.

I looked at the clock and it showed it was almost 10 o'clock and past my bed time and now I was scared that I was in trouble. She didn't look angry, but she did take me from Manako and Zombina and when hey tried to take me back she quickly wrapped them together and it was amazing how good she is at tying stuff up. They were just barely struggling and not yelling which is not what the others do sometimes as Arachne put them in the bed. They just get mad or even yell at her to stop.

Arachne-I'll let them out in the morning. Come on, I think Suu and Papi want you to sleep with them tonight and they looked sleepy too.

(Y/N)-Ok, but... are they comfy like that?

Arachne-I don't hear them complaining.

She just left the room with me and the girls were all heading to their rooms and Arachne just walked to Papi and Suu and gave me to Papi and I was wrapped in her wings.


Papi-*Gasp* Hi there!~

Just just gave me kisses and Suu copied her and they looked up to Arachne.

Arachne-Take him to bed with you. We're getting up around 9 and going from there on what to do.

Papi-Ok!... Wait, which one is my room again?

Arachne-429. Now go and we have Ms. Smith to give us a key card and some of us might check to see if you 3 will actually be asleep.

Papi-I'm tired anyway. You act like i'm not responsible and not smart.

She just put her keycard in the door and it wouldn't open and when I looked, I knew why.

(Y/N)-Um Papi, this is 428. Yours is the next door.


Arachne just watched us go in the room and when we got in Papi and Suu got in the bed with me and gave me more kisses for a while before we all finally went to sleep and I couldn't wait to go back to the beach tomorrow.

(Arachne's POV)

With my baby safely in bed and others that re probably going to check on them I headed to where I hid my "friend" for the night and I feel like I can pull off an all nighter.

Arachne's mind-You liked toying with my baby. huh? Let's see how you like it when I toy with you.~


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