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(Cosmo's POV)

I can't believe I have to waste time dragging two fully grown women into a cave unconscious with a child they put in danger because they can't talk like adults which put a scared child in danger. It was still light outside so I kept us close to the entrance hoping I would not have to make a fire in order to keep us warm when it gets dark and we were out here all day. Soon, (Y/N) was the first to up but I just held him close on my lap to stroke his head back to sleep. He doesn't need to hear the adults talking about what needs to be said, like almost getting him killed. After I hummed a little sound to him, he went back to sleep and it was adorable.

Cosmo-Sleep well, Little One. ~

That was when I heard one of the women stirring themselves away so I too (Y/N) a little deeper in the cave and gave him a flower bed to rest on. I walked back to them and I had to keep their attention on me so they wouldn't run for (Y/N) or make things difficult. They both finally woke up and I made some noise to get their attention.

Cosmo-Ahem Are you two-?

Just then the pink one already started to struggle to break free but it was useless. The bat lady seemed on guard but more collected. I got both of their attention and cleared my throat.

Cosmo-Are you both calmer now?

???-You knocked me out and tied me up! What do you think?!

Cosmo-Keep your voice down. You already scared that child you were after half to death. Be lucky I am still willing to hear you out... Let's start with names. My name is Cosmo.

???-Well, Petals. The name is Rouge and I don't think I'm into this kind of thing... From this side.

She was referring to being tied up and trying to make it sound dirty but I will not play into this I just looked at the other girl while Rouge scooted away a little.

???-My name doesn't matter. You will give me the boy by order of-.

Rouge-Her name is Julie-Su the Enchidnia, she is from Princess Blaze's Kingdom, she is a mercenary probably hired by her, and she needs a new picture for her license after tending to her hair.

We both looked and a wallet was opened by her lap which Julie took back with her foot in a fit of rage. 

Cosmo-Now, that we know our names. What is it that you plan to do with (Y/N)?... I can already guess Julie-Su was sent to take (Y/N) with her.

Rouge-Well, aren't you just the smart one? I had him in my care before I left to take care of business then saw you two fighting near my baby.

Cosmo-You're his mother?

Julie-Su-She's lying. Give me the child? Princess Blaze requested to have him! He is the grandson of-!

Cosmo-I know he is the grandson to Eggman and Rouge is not his mother.

Rouge-Ever heard of adoption?

Julie-Su-Ever heard of kidnapping?

Rouge-Yes, but you never heard of breath mints... By the way, you know (Y/N) is awake and I hear his heart is racing, so I would love it if you give me my baby so I can take him home.

Julie followed my gaze to the end of the cave and we both saw (Y/N) hiding in the dark trying to look as small as possible.

I don't know the whole story and I don't trust that somebody did not manipulate this helpless little guy. I was about to go up to him and hold him, but then Rouge lunged at me completely free but she only flew over me then pushed her feet on me to know me down.

Rouge-Come here, Sweetie. Let's go home. ~

Julie-Su-Oh no you don't!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Cosmo was spraying that mist that makes you fall asleep again while Julie was getting up while still tied up. Rouge only flapped her wings and spun around really fast but it only spread the mist everywhere. Even to me but she wasn't slowing down. I felt sleepy but not enough to knock me out and while my vision was blurry the wind from Rouge stopped. I could barely concentrate at all anymore but then I heard a small blast... My dizziness made me get sick before passing out hearing faint voices that I could not make out.


I started to open my eyes and there was a wet washcloth on my head. I felt that I was laying on something very soft now and... I felt like I loved everyone and everything. Like nothing would bother me and life was beautiful.

(Y/N)-Wooooaahhhh. Heheheheeeee.

I sat up and that's when I saw Julie Su and Cosmo come inside... Rouge's room. I was in Rouge's room and all of these gems were so shiny. I loved it.

Cosmo-(Y/N)!... How do you feel?

They both ran to me and I think I saw a rag with blood on it on the table... Or what if it was strawberry juice? Oh, I would love some juice.


I got out and fell over but landed on her while laughing. It would've been funny if I hit the ground.

Julie-Su-What did you do to him?! I can't show him to the princess like this!

(Y/N)-Uh ooohhhhhhhh. You are in trouble with Blaaaazzzze. Hahahahaha! ~

(Julie-Su's POV)

I could not believe my eyes. I was supposed to bring this child safely to Princess Blaze and now his unique reaction to Cosmo's pheromone that was supposed to confuse you made him vomit blood and now her new dose cured him but he is basically wasted! If I bring him back to the princess like this, Blaze would be furious! He reached for me when he saw I was scared.

(Y/N)-You look so scared now... I wanna hug and kiss your cheeks.

Cosmo let him grab me and he did what he said he would while holding onto me to let me hold him. I just held his head on my shoulder to stroke him while I felt my heart sinking. It got worse when Rouge came in with drinks and she was happy to see (Y/N) was up.

We only came to her house because it was the closest place with AC to keep him cool and everything to keep him from overheating while the pheromone was burned out of his body.


Rouge-Gasp Did you just call me Mommy?! ~

(Y/N)-... Giggles Yeah.

Now, he bent over backwards to laugh while reaching for her and she was loving every moment of this!

Rouge-Awwwwww. You're so much cuter like this. Yes, you are. ~

(Y/N)-You're cuter upside down. All of you are... Is that juice?

She only got closer and put a straw in his mouth to have him drink while I still held him in my arms. I only glared at her.

Julie-Su-Are you enjoying this?!

Rouge-Don't look at me. I didn't do this. Plus, at least now he is not inches away from a heart attack and wants to be abused to feel better about himself being punished anymore.

Julie-Su-He what?!

Cosmo-Oh my... I didn't think it was that bad... Well, I'm not sure when the effects will wear off so it's best to keep an eye on him here

I felt so mad that my job was going to take longer but I can't show him like this. I sat down when he was done drinking and Rouge came over to gently play with him and I just turned him away from her.

Rouge-Don't hog my baby because I didn't let you take him away from me. He loves it here. Don't you Honey? ~

(Y/N)-I love everything!

I know he is just out of his mind right now so I was going to be holding him. Rouge looked like she had an idea before she had us all go to the living room to get changed. I had no idea what she was going to do, but one thing was for sure.

Julie-Su's mind-The moment he is over whatever is in his body, he is coming with me to be given to Blaze. I always finish my job.


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