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I woke up early the next morning, just as the sun was about to come up when I realized that I had spent the entire night wrapped tightly in Sunny’s arms. Her hand was still clasping my mouth and as the night had gone on, we had both gotten a little bit sweaty. Two bodies intertwined in a shabby apartment with no air conditioning will have that effect on people. I tried my best to wriggle out of her grasp, but the more I struggled, the tighter she squeezed.

Eventually I gave up trying to fight my way out and hoped that she would wake up soon. In the meantime, it was nice getting to see her beautiful sleeping face in the pre-morning light. She always had this carefree expression whenever I would pass her in the hallway. That same confident smile that made her so attractive as well as intimidating. But as she was sleeping, she seemed so at peace. Her big brown eyes quivered as she dreamt; her soft lips curled slightly upwards in a blissful grin. She was simply amazing. And as the sun crept over the edge of my couch and touched her face, her eyelids fluttered slightly and finally opened. Immediately she looked at me with this tired but happy expression. I was so taken aback by how ineffably gorgeous her hazel brown eyes looked as the morning light bit them.

“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry. I must’ve been squeezing you all night,” she said, apologizing like it was a bad thing.

“No, no, i-i-it was… it was nice,” I stammered. “You’re really strong.”

She chuckled nervously and nodded, sitting up and running her fingers through her hair.

As Sunny placed her feet on the floor, she let out a loud and sudden noise that startled me.

“Oh man! Are you okay?” I asked.

“Ooh… yeah, I just think my legs are still asleep. I’ve got those, um, those, uh, pin and needles in the bottoms of my feet!”

“Oh no! Yeah, you had your legs hanging over edge of the couch all night. Are you alright?”

“I will be,” said Sunny, through gritted teeth. She groaned as she lifted both of her long, toned legs back onto the couch. She eased back towards the opposite end of the couch, and without asking, she placed both of her feet in my lap. “I just need to keep them elevated for a minute or two.”

She could have kept them there all day for all I cared. This is the closest I had ever been to Sunny’s feet, and getting to admire them up close in the light of day was simply incredible. And even though I had seen them a few times here and there since we had started dating, I was still in awe of how big they were. And heavy. The moment she placed them on top of my legs, I felt my whole body sink slightly deeper into the seat cushion.

“Oh my gosh. That is so rude of me,” said Sunny, apologetically. “I just immediately put my feet on you without permission like that’s normal. I’m sorry.”

And just as she went to lift her legs away, I quickly and instinctually interrupted, saying, “No, its totally fine! Please, you’re in pain. I understand.”

“Alright,” Sunny replied, smiling but also slightly embarrassed. She slowly lowered them back onto me. “They’re already starting to feel a little better actually. The pins and needles feeling is gone. Now they’re just sort of achy.”

I couldn’t get over it. They were just so large. At least twice as big as the biggest feet I had ever seen up to that point. I wanted so desperately to touch them. I could barely contain myself. And before my brain could comprehend what I was doing, I realized that I already was touching them.

“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” Sunny said, genuinely concerned.

Uh, uh, no, I-I, uh, I don’t mind at all,” I stammered again, as my brain frantically tried to catch up with what my hands were doing. Luckily I think she assumed I was massaging them instead of caressing them like a weirdo, so as soon as I could, I quickly transitioned to a more massage like motion. Crisis averted.

“Seriously?” Sunny exclaimed, sounding genuinely surprised. “You don’t have a problem with feet?”

“No, they’re alright, I guess,” I lied, as if I wasn’t completely obsessed with them.

“That is a huge plus in my book!” she grinned, resting her head in her hand. “I adore getting foot rubs, but all of the guys I’ve dated have all hated feet. Like a lot!”

“What?? That’s crazy. They’re not that bad. They’re actually… kind of cute. You know, as far as feet go.”

“Well thank you so much,” gushed Sunny. She seemed so sincerely appreciative, and I could tell out of the corner of my eye how she was looking at me. This had to have been the best beginning to a morning in my entire life. It seemed like this had opened a door to an entire new world of possibilities. She actually likes foot rubs? She’s okay with me touching her feet? The future seemed so bright.

As we sat there, she began to moan quietly whenever I would squeeze the right spot. It was then that I remembered that I wanted to know just how long her feet actually were. I knew that there would be an opportunity to find out later down the line, but I had an idea. Just as I started massaging her other foot, I placed one of my hands flat against her heel. She didn’t seem to notice as long as my other hand was still rubbing. Then I swiftly placed my other hand at the tip of the other, while the former continued squeezing. I did the exact same thing again until the tips of my fingers were just about an inch away from the tip of her big toe. I knew that it wouldn’t be an exact number, but later I knew that I could measure my hand and get a fair estimate of just how big Sunny’s feet really were.

Just as I was really getting started on Sunny’s other foot, she quickly pulled it away, stood up, nearly hitting her head on the ceiling, and started rushing around the room gathering up her clothes. “Sorry! I just realized I was supposed to be at work early this morning!” She untangled her stockings and slipped them on, followed by her skirt and finally her shoes. As she gathered up her other belongings and made her way to the door, she turned, smiled, and quickly said, “I’ll see you there! Thanks again for the foot rub.” And just like that, she was gone. What a morning…

I wasn’t expected to be in for a few hours, so I had an easy going morning, thinking constantly about Sunny’s smile, Sunny’s eyes, Sunny’s feet. I couldn’t wait to get to work just so I could see her again. As I got dressed and ate breakfast, I found a moment to grab a ruler. I set it on the counter and placed my hand directly next to it. I never realized just how tiny my hands were until today: almost exactly six inches. Swiftly doing the math in my head, recalling that it took just slightly more than three of my hand lengths to reach from the bottom of her heel to the tip of her big toe, I estimated that the length of Sunny’s foot must have been somewhere around a whole nineteen inches long! I had to grab a calculator to double check, because even though I had held her feet in the palms of my hands for the better part of an hour, I simply couldn’t imagine that that number was correct. But it unquestionably was.

Nineteen-inch feet.

I was dating a ten-foot-tall girl who had nineteen-inch feet.

Those were definitive facts that proved I must have been living my best life.



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