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Hopefully I’ll get some answers regarding my issues. I’m honestly scared I have acid reflux or GERD :/ gonna suck if I have it. Anyone else went/goes through it?

Like I just ate 2 pieces of dark chocolate and drank two cups of black tea with lemon and honey and after like 2 hours it started hurt in my stomach. Sharp pain. From what? :/

Eh, hopefully whatever I have, I can treat and go back to normal diet :/


Ernest Gutierrez

It can be allergic reaction to certain foods. I hope you can get better soon

Matt P

I was diagnosed with GERD and eosinophilic esophagitis about ten years ago. It's honestly not that bad. You'll learn over time what foods and drinks are triggers for your symptoms and what's okay. Medication helps with most of the symptoms. If you keep your diet on point, you'll probably forget you even have reflux. Generally speaking, alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco are the absolute worst things for reflux. Things like fried food, highly acidic food (like tomato products), and spicy food can also cause a flare-up. It's different for every person, though. The disease is genetic on my dad's side, and while my grandmother and dad had to completely cut out caffeine, I've still been drinking it my whole life with no issue. I did have to give up alcohol, but honestly, that's one of the best things I've ever done for myself, so I'm not mad about it. It sucked at the time, though lol.