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Treating myself and my extremely hairy chest a little tonight. Srsly, dont pay attention to my chest, i forgot to shave.




Hairy chest. -_- Are you kidding. Great video. What kind of brush is that?! It makes your skin so red. O_O Is that a good thing?

Ryan O'Hair

I think with dry brushing you're only supposed to go over an area once, that's why it's so red. It's meant to bring blood to the surface and create collagen or something like that.

Petar Janic

Im only now watching this video so im late to comment but when dry brushing its okay to go over an area 2 to 3 times (more depending on the brush), and you should brush towards the heart. When brushing the stomach youd wanna brush in a clockwise motion, aka in the direction of hands on a clock. You could but isnt mandatory to put on some kind of moisturizer afterwards.