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Good morning! This is today's update.

Maybe you already saw in Discord, but Ceso and Spade are running a small game in a thread. Here's an introduction to it:

This is meant to be an RP scenario with Dice mechanics. I would consider it more of an RP than a game, and no previous tabletop gaming experience is required (and encouraged actually, I'd like some people who don't usually touch dice games to give this a shot too!) I will provide a simple character sheet for everyone to fill out, plus I need a basic description of your characters abilities and such.  Lore wise, this takes place on earth, with rules set to accommodate almost any backstory. The stars have dissapeared and in the night you see blinding flashes, followed by missing people reports. A few different people decide to investigate privately (against officials word to stay inside), together or seperate. Will you discover what's happening?

Feel free to join their game, enjoy! 😊

This month's reward form for higher tiers is now open. You can find it here: https://forms.gle/2AingytX5YuD9M628

Important! As usual, please make sure your payment information is up to date, to avoid having revoked access to all of your rewards!

For this month's free sketch streaming days and times, please go to "da-rules" in discord to find the official calendar for these events. The next one is next Saturday! Yay!

And finally, there's a bunch of new stuff in personal projects gallery. Go to licographics.com to see them! Speaking of, I'm gonna start our group picture this month too!

That's all for now. Thank you one more time for this wonderful month!


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