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This map is part of the project of making real world maps in Minecraft using very high resolution geographic data, started recently with the release of Italy Map at 30m resolution and Central Europe Map at 50m resolution.  

This time the work is focused on Sydney, Australia, at a resolution of 5 meter. It means that a block in the game corresponds to 5 meters in the real world

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Altitude Map

Biome Map

21 JourneyMap waypoints are available, making the exploration through the map a lot easier

The resolution of the map is 5m (1 block in Minecraft corresponds to 5m in the real world). 

The altitude of the map in the real world ranges from -391m undersea to 571m. Vertical resolution of the map is 5m.  In Minecraft, the lowest point on the map is at 7, while the highest point is at 175. Within the map there are 9 different biomes that vary mainly based on the altitude above sea level.

List of the biomes used:

  • Plains

  • River

  • Beach

  • Flower Forest

  • Taiga

  • Snowy Taiga

  • Warm Ocean

  • Ocean

  • Deep Ocean

Map details:

  • Map name: Sydney 5m

  • Map size:  16304 x 15587

  • Map resolution: 1 block in the game correspond to 5m in the real world

  • Map files size: 4.6gb compressed, 6.7gb uncompressed

  • Minecraft version: 1.19+

Data used to process the map:

  • NSW Government - Spatial Services 1 and 2 meters data for Sydney City - cubic reinterpolation to 5m

  • Geoscience Australia 2015 5 meters data for areas outside Sydney City

  • GEBCO 15arcsec resolution bathymetric data - cubic reinterpolation to 5m

  • IGISMAP data for coasts - rasterization at 5m resolution

  • Geoscience Australia - Surface Hydrology Polygons for rivers and lakes - rasterization at 5m resolution

Feel free to request a reprocessing of this map at different scales or a specific area with higher resolution.  Bugs are always possible, please report them!

Map Download Link + JourneyMap waypoints :  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ck21e8RGfB4Tpkf3Nw_Oyri_44bQTfM8/view?usp=drive_link 

In-game screenshots:


Rob Ernsteins

That would be amazing! Thank you. I have spent upwards of six hours trying to convert it across so I can deploy it in Minecraft Education. Any help would be amazing :)

Rob Ernsteins

Have been trying but just when I think I've got it, I don't seem too. Any help would be incedible! My class would be sp appreciative! :)