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Here come the worldpainter project files and the raw tif data used to make the map of Kansas City at 1:1 scale [45k] , with buildings, roads, trees and other natural features derived from OpenStreetMap and NLCD Land Cover data

Map images:

The altitude of the terrain in the real world ranges from 215m to 333m asl

In Minecraft, the lowest point of the terrain on the map is at 277, while the highest point is at 395, with a vertical resolution of 1m.

Water level is at 62, while the maximum building height is 1024.

Map details:

  • Map name:  Kansas City, USA - 1:1 scale

  • Map size:  44803x45885

  • Map resolution: 1 block in the game corresponds to 1m in the real world

  • Map files size: - 66.7gb uncompressed, - 44.0gb compressed

  • Minecraft version: 1.18+

Data used to process the map:

  • 3DEP 1M DEM data for the Terrain Elevation

  • NLCD 2018 Land Cover at 30m resolution data for biomes positioning - cubic reinterpolation to 1m resolution

  • Open Street Map data for buildings, roads and any city element, trees, vegetation, waypoints, coastlines, rivers, streams and beaches positioning - rasterization to 1m resolution


WorldPainter .world file at 1m resolution: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16j2873LaOV_DL1_l55-gfvfTon_8MoDy/view?usp=sharing

DEM data in Geotiff format at 1m resolution: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j1oQnK2LERNt-fK9Ql6T31suCb8htNc_/view?usp=sharing

NLCD 2018 Land cover data in Geotiff format at 30m resolution:



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