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First off, I'd like to really say thanks for everyone's support and understanding during August, which may have been one of the busiest months of my life.  Seriously, you guys are awesome!

I can't say for sure that things will be exactly more quiet over here, but, I am about caught up with everything, I believe, now, on here, and from that, we can look forward to more things!

First, and foremost, I cannot stress enough how much easier it is for you guys to see what's going on in the Discord.  I will be working more to be better at updating the Patreon with the same announcements that I do on the Discord, but I get worried at too much text on here and not enough tums.  In case you want it, another link to it: https://discord.gg/xnMpbP9YB6

Next, as mentioned in said Discord in our Patreon chat, it has been made known people would like emotes/stickers for it, and I have not forgotten.  You can expect such things to happen this month, along with some love for Sania, some other OC's I've been developing, and overall expansion and awareness of 'The Sania-verse'!  On top of that, you can expect something special for Labor Day (because of course), the usual Patron rewards, and something that 'came by my desk' on Pixiv, that I'll be drawing.  

In addition, I always said I'd let you guys know first if commissions were coming back!  In short: we're not quite there, though, I've gotten a lot of recent questions about them.  As much as I wanted to open them up for September, actually, its looking like a full month already.  Looking further head, you can expect them to come back in November, as I will be attempting to participate in something Drawtober/Inktober related for October.

And with that, that's September!  As always, thank you guys for all of your support!  Don't ever hesitate to contact me for whatever reason, whether it's on here, Discord, etc.  Love you all and looking forward to the great month ahead. ^^


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