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     Hello everyone!  Happy August!  As I've alluded to over the last month or so, some changes will be occurring around here to hopefully make some improvements for everyone involved.  I'm talking you, I'm talking me, and I'm talking anyone who may be looking to join us!  There's quite a bit, so, I've tried to organize things as best I can! I'll be rolling out these changes in the next couple days, as I will then be going around and collecting weekly/monthly inputs.  Thanks for everything, guys, and here's to us growing and getting better, together!

  • The Discord will be made open to the public!  This is hopefully to create a more active community!  No worries, as stuff made for your eyes will stay as for your eyes-only!
  • New channels:
  • Patreon Chat
  • Public-View Uploads (The pieces I normally uploaded on Mondays)
  • Half-Full Weekly (Replacing current Half-Full Friday channel)
  • Full-Glass Monthly (Replacing current Monthly Commission channel)

Upload Schedule:

  • While initially the idea was to have Public-Viewable uploads on Monday, a ‘free space’ on Wednesdays (when not used for the Monthly drawing), and of course on Fridays (for the Weekly), my new day job (working until 8pm at night) as well as new life responsibilities are going to mean a more flexible upload schedule.  Rest assured, I do plan to still do the three uploads a week, I’m just not going to assign days as I can’t in good faith say I’m keeping to that schedule (as many of you have seen lately…) and I feel the lack of designated daily deadlines for me will relieve some of the superficial stress.
  • tl;dr: Still three uploads a week, just not specific days assigned to them.
  • One new drawing a week will still be posted on all platforms day-of, whereas there will still be a month-long lapse for the other two where they will be Patreon only for that time period.

Half-Full Friday:

  • For a while now, I’ve had people (as well as myself) show growing concern of how crazy the list was getting.  While part of this is unavoidable as we grow (and that is to be welcomed), the system will be changed to be more orderly, consistent, and fair for those of similar pledge-tiers no matter the amount of time they’ve been with us.
  • A spreadsheet (which will be viewable to the public) will be created.
  • This spreadsheet will contain a list of all current pledges at the $3 tier or higher.
  • For each of these pledges, depending on your tier, you will get an allotted amount of slots to fill out with characters  $3 get one, $5 get two, and $15 (more on that in a bit) will get three.
  • Submit characters to me as you have been.
  • A roll will be made AT THE BEGINNING of each week to determine which pledge will be the winner.  If they have multiple slots due to their tier, another roll will be made for which character they have entered will win.
  • You can only win as many Weeklies, per month, as you have slots.
  • Slots are not refilled with another character once they win.
  • If a pledge is rolled at the beginning of the week but they have no slots, it will be re-rolled.
  • At every transition from month to month, I will be going over the pledge list to update it for accuracy, as well as clearing all character slots.
  • EDIT: Upon some feedback and introspection, Chalices will still be able to participate in the Weekly, albeit, they will have two entries for the month.

Monthly Commission Drawing:

  • While it has not yet been an issue, the structure was similar to Half-Full Friday’s previous incarnation and so has been revised. The structure will change to reflect much like the new Half-Full Friday, except for the following:
  • Naturally, the tiers who can participate are slightly different. $5 pledges and up (including the Chalice-tier) will be able to participate.
  • The winner will still be rolled on the last Wednesday of the month.
  • Each tier able to participate only receives a single character slot.

New Pledge Tier: Full Flight! (($15 Pledge Tier!))

  • This tier has been implemented after feedback from some community members after asking my ideas on how the Weekly would be changing.  The details are so:
  • Acts much like Full Gass ($5) tier.
  • Access to both Weekly and Monthly perks.
  • Gets three character slots for the Weekly!
  • tl;dr: New tier where you get the perks of the $5, but also three characters slots for Weekly stuff.


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