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首先好像因為一些出錯 上個月的獎勵包沒有發送成功

今天 (如果太晚可能明天) 在整理8月獎勵發送的同時會一併重新發送7月的部分


1. 包含這次,未來發送的檔案包將不會再需要密碼,僅點選連結即可下載

2. 舊的檔案包將會直接更新到gumroad與獎勵發送的月份同步

3. t1.5三個月過期的規則則維持不變

First of all, it seems that because of some mistakes, the reward package of last month was not sent successfully.

Today (if it is too late, maybe tomorrow) will resend the part of July at the same time as the August reward is sent.

In addition, in response to the change of patreon, some rules have also been changed here, mainly the improvement of convenience.

1. Including this time, the file package sent in the future will no longer need a password, just click the link to download

2. The old reward will be updated directly to gumroad, in sync with the month sent by the reward.

3. The rule that t1.5 expires in three months remains unchanged


8月の報酬が送信されると同時に、今日(遅すぎる場合、おそらく明日)は7月の 報酬を再送信します。




3. t1.5が3か月で期限切れになるというルールは変更されていません


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