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Hey everyone! Here's a short update about my upcoming releases.

Let's start with the good stuff - I have several exciting projects in the works. I've been on a bit of a creative spree, and it feels good to experience this surge of inspiration once again after a sluggish period of time earlier this year. If you're a Patron of mine, you've seen some sneak peeks of my latest creative deeds.

On the not-so-good side of things. My monitor clearly had different plans for my creative output and decided to stop working altogether, thus putting me on an unscheduled The Sims and CC detox. I'm currently trying to resolve the issue in ways that hopefully does not require me to buy a brand new monitor (not in this economy!), so let's see how this goes. It is possible that my September set comes out with a slight delay. I'm, however, still hopeful that by the end of August I'll be back to my PC in even better creative spirits.

I suppose I'm just glad that the monitor broke down now and not around the time that Starfield (the new Bethesda title) is coming out - I've been excited about it for years at this point ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyway, the September set is coming, but potentially not on my typical schedule. Wishing you a great weekend ahead!

- myshunosun


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