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Hey all!

Just checking in and letting you know that I'm currently working on a couple things to release. First up is Journey Through the Cyan Desert, which is a big document (10k words or so) that lets you explore a big weird desert that's a bit like a modular dungeon.  Alongside that, I'll have an adventure called Dead Goblin Hole based on a Dyson Logos map that I'm currently running as a DCC adventure for my Friday night group.

Finally, I'm working on content for Horror that should work well with D&D, too. It's a big ol' piece about creating random haunted locations which is pretty nifty. That one is about 10,000 words, too.

After that, I should be getting you all some of those requests you made a few days ago.

Talk soon!

 - Dave



Sounds fucking great man. Is DGH lower level?


Not sure! Probably. I’m doing as DCC at level 2, which is roughly 4 for 5e