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This post is part of the Dungeon24 series, where I create a new room every day of the year for at total of 366 rooms. Traditionally, this is done as a dungeon, but I thought it was more interesting to do it as a Silent-Hill-inspired city. Tom Cartos and I have been chatting about doing an Ostenwold product for a long time, so I figured this made the most sense.

This document includes areas 1 and 2 of The Sanguine Dawn Inn. Once it's complete, it'll be placed into a complete PDF and locked to patrons only, so be sure to grab a copy now if you want access to the entire thing.

You can get the rest of Tom Cartos' maps from his Patreon page and website.


10 - Single Rooms

The two rooms at the northeastern end feature a single bed, a desk, and an armoire.

Locked Door to 10b. The door to area 10b is locked, requiring a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using proficiency in thieves’ tools to unlock, or a successful DC 15 Strength check to break it down. Characters who listen at the door can hear a loud droning sound coming from within. If they encountered the mi-go in Area 7, they recognize it immediately.

Encounter: Mi-Go Scientist. Another mi-go (see the appendix) scientist uses this room as a makeshift operating suite. It is operating on a destroyed ghoul. The mi-go is too fixed on its work to bother itself with the characters. It only fights if the characters persist or attack it. If it’s reduced to half its hit points or fewer, it escapes through the nearby window.

Treasure: Mi-Go Tools. If the characters manage to kill the mi-go, they discover some of its tools. The tools can be used to implement unusual changes to biological creatures. To use the tools, the creature must spend 10 minutes using them with a non-construct creature within 5 feet the whole time. At the end of the duration, the creature must make an Intelligence (Arcana) check. Refer to the Mi-Go Tools Results to determine the outcome.

[Tables included in the PDF.]



Frank Moore

Hi Dave, will you just be adding onto the same base file with each update? Asking because I seem to have a handful of files whose names start with "Ostenwold - The Sanguine Dawn Inn..." and I wonder if I need them all. Also, will everything focus on Ostenwold? Or will you switch to something else in 2024?


There'll be additional monthly adventures. We should have an announcement soon.