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This post is part of the Dungeon24 series, where I create a new room every day of the year for at total of 366 rooms. Traditionally, this is done as a dungeon, but I thought it was more interesting to do it as a Silent-Hill-inspired city. Tom Cartos and I have been chatting about doing an Ostenwold product for a long time, so I figured this made the most sense.

This document includes areas 1 and 2 of The Sanguine Dawn Inn. Once it's complete, it'll be placed into a complete PDF and locked to patrons only, so be sure to grab a copy now if you want access to the entire thing.

You can get the rest of Tom Cartos' maps from his Patreon page and website.


5 - Toilets

As you step into the small room, a sense of eerie disquiet hangs in the air. Directly ahead, a large clawfoot bathtub looms, its cast iron form casting long, odd shadows in the flickering light. Despite its promise of warmth and relaxation, the tub now seems oddly out of place, contributing to the room's unsettling atmosphere. To one side, a single wooden stall is present.

Encounter: Toilet Ghoul. There is a ghoul hiding in the toilet stall. If reduced to half its hit points or fewer, it attempts to flee to area 3 to join the other undead creatures there.




I don't see any new text for Day 5. Was this intentional, a mistake, or am I just missing it?