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Shadowdeep: Secrets of the Abyss is a Project Black Flag/Fifth Edition-compatible adventure designed for three to five characters with an average party level (APL) of 7. The adventure begins in media res when the characters wake to find themselves in a series of frozen subterranean caverns. Not only must they find their way out of this frigid prison, but they must avoid the other dangers that lurk within.

This adventure is  relatively straightforward for players and the gamemaster, meant as an introduction to the Project Black Flag ruleset. Even if you don’t have access to the Project Black Flag ruleset, this adventure can easily be played using traditional Fifth Edition rules. Whenever new rules from Project Black Flag appear, the text offers notes on how to convert these rules into Fifth Edition play.

Download Options

  • Get the full-color and black-and-white PDFs below.
  • There is no FoundryVTT pack for this adventure.

Creative Team

Writer: DMDave • Cover Artist: Nacho Lazaro

Proofing: John Webb • Cartographer: Tim Hartin

Interior Artists: Matias Lazaro, Nacho Lazaro



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