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Hey all!

I'm working on an adventure for next month tentatively titled "Astral Derelict." Basically, it's a big, abandoned airship floating aimlessly in the Astral Plane. The characters, having been blown into the Astral Plane via a bag of holding mishap, need to take control of the ship if they ever hope to get back home.

But what happened to it?

Below, are some cool things that could haunt this old ship. Pick the one you like best.


Charles Martin

I really like several of these! Of the ones I didn't choose, Giant Pirates and Undead where my second and third choices.


Why not actual giths? I feel it's a very underexplored race. I'll vote anyway, but I'm curious about this


They aren't SRD or in the Creative Commons, so I can't use them without getting a big fat lawsuit from our friends on the coast. :D


It makes sense... thanks for answering! Keep up the amazing work =)