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Nestled atop a rolling hill and surrounded by an expanse of peat bogs, Arnarhvall seems an unlikely locale for a community founded by fish traders from the distant north. Yet, despite the absence of major bodies of water nearby, the town has thrived as a key nexus in an intricate network of trade routes that bring in fish from far-off coastal villages. In addition to its fish market, Arnarhvall is famous for its booming sheep trade. The aroma of haggis, the local culinary specialty, wafts through the air and is a highlight in many of the town's rustic taverns and inns.

Arnarhvall's defining spirit is its people's unyielding belief in personal freedom. There's a communal understanding that every individual has the liberty to follow their own path, as long as it doesn't infringe upon others' freedoms. This guiding principle has cultivated a society where the notion of thralls or enslaved people is considered not just taboo but anathema to their core values. 



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