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Hey all!

I feel like a dummy for forgetting to post here this morning, but Badge Quest is officially funded as of 10:30 am this morning. 

Thanks to all of you who help this business reach its goals and create cool content. You're the ones that make all of this possible!

And if you haven't backed it yet, check out the campaign using this link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/davidhamrick/badge-quest-expanded-gamebook?ref=4rmq19

Thanks again!

PS For those who aren't interested in Badge Quest, I'm about to release a big fat adventure featuring toothless rednecks and nasty, ethereal spiders.




I LOVE Badge Quest but not gonna lie that toothless redneck thing sounds dope 😄

Stephanie Joy

I think I’m still confused on what the difference is between this one and the one I bought in March? Can you explain?


Quite a bit. It recaps the rules, but offers a full length mystery, neighborhood, additional archetypes, and more. The OG book’s mysteries will remain in that book, so it will be worth having.


Heck yeah! The OG rules will be “rebranded” as quick start. 🤘