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High above, the night sky reveals a 50-foot-long flying serpent, its scales emitting a mesmerizing glow that casts an iridescent light. Its mouth exudes radiant energy, an ever-shifting dance of colors captivating the eye. Strangely, metallic items of all kinds, from weapons to coins, adhere to its scales, transforming the serpent into a mobile treasure trove. 

Climate/Terrain: Arctic

Frequency: Very rare

Organization: Solitary

Diet: Carnivore

Number Appearing: 1

It is said that eons ago, a rare celestial convergence occurred when a comet made of radiant energy collided with a massive meteorite composed of magnetic minerals. The cataclysmic fusion of these two cosmic entities birthed a unique creature: the aurora serpent. Endowed with the comet's luminous glow and the meteorite's magnetic properties, these majestic beings came into existence. Over the centuries, they have remained elusive, appearing only during specific celestial alignments. Their elusive nature and mystical abilities have made them symbols of wonder and mystery, and their presence continues to captivate and baffle those fortunate enough to witness their celestial flights.

Habitat/Society. The aurora serpents inhabit remote and untouched landscapes where magnetic fields are particularly strong, such as ancient forests, desolate mountain ranges, and uninhabited islands. These 50-foot-long solitary creatures roam vast territories, covering great distances in their graceful flights through the skies. Despite their reclusive and introspective nature, they display territoriality over their chosen habitats and may become aggressive towards intruders. Encounters with other creatures, including humans, are rare due to their elusive and enigmatic behavior. Their unique abilities and mysterious presence have woven them into the folklore and mythologies of various cultures, leaving adventurers and scholars fascinated by the secrets hidden within their glowing scales.

Ecology. Inhabiting remote landscapes with strong magnetic fields, these beasts rely on their luminous scales to navigate through darkness, hunt for prey, and communicate with rare encounters of their own kind. The radiant scales harness energy from cosmic sources, illuminating their surroundings and striking fear into the hearts of their prey. Metallic items stick to their scales due to their magnetic connection, further enhancing their mystique. The serpent's reproduction and other aspects of its life remain largely shrouded in mystery, leaving observers fascinated by the captivating displays of light and magnetic phenomena that accompany these elusive beings through their solitary existence.




For those wondering why the margins are so wide, I plan to put these into a spiralbound book to make it easier to keep it open while in use. The format is based on 2e's monstrous manuals.


I love my old 2E MM binders. They were great for expanding and being able to create references how I wanted them. I'd also love some of your adventures to be that style with margins to hole punch, just for that reason alone!


Probably won’t do hole punch. But the spiral at least makes them easier to lie open


Holy crap — this is such a creative monster!