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Hey all!

As we're getting ready to head into July, I wonder what sort of content you would like going forward. We've had an overwhelmingly strong reaction to a few different types of content at conventions this year, and I want to see if that's reflected here, too.

Here are the types of content we've made in the past:

Dungeons & Lairs Adventures. We've been doing this weekly series of adventures for the last few years, each featuring easy-to-drop-in content. If nothing changes, this is what everyone will continue to receive.

Just Passing Through. These are prebuilt villages, cities, towns, etc., and soon will also cover inns and other unique locations. So far, I've only done these as books, but conventions show that people want more.

Adventure Paths. These would be adventures that are less "drop-in" content like Dungeons & Lairs and more campaign-friendly. Some of our older adventures, such as Hand of the Eight and The Queen of the Shadows, are like this. These would still be mostly setting agnostic, so you can use them in your own world. Just a different flow.

Random Tables. I could easily create random tables that could serve as a resource for those of you who play digital (giving you something to roll on) and convert them into the cards, as I showed earlier this month (which are basically random tables turned into deck form).

Other/Playtesting. Every now and then, I try something out and see what you all think. It's how our most popular series were born, and I'd like to make this a regular thing. If you choose "other", give me an idea of content that you want to see us make, and I'll test it out (assuming that it's reasonable).

Vote for all the stuff you want to see.

Below, you can vote for as many things as you like. I'll take the % of things voted upon and divide it among the weeks. For example, if Dungeons & Lairs gets twice as many votes as everything else, it'll continue to dominate the release schedule. But if everything is even Steven, I'll change it each week.

Thanks in advance!



I like the adventure paths. But one of my favorite features from you is the encounters calibrated to multiple party levels. That's a huge time saver, and quality improver for me. I know the paths are system agnostic, but including level calibrated encounters for 5e would make the value MUCH greater for me. Just tossing my 2cents in the jar. Thanks!


We can still do that, since it's not really that much more work.


And they'd be 5e. By setting Agnostic, we mean it's not like... Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, Omeria, etc.


It's only letting me pick two but I like Dungeons and Lairs, Just Passing Through and Adventure Paths/Campaigns. I also would like level 1-20 adventures and I would also like non fantasy stuff like sci-fi, Cyberpunk and modern.


Ok poll is working now, I made my selections.


I'm in 100% agreement! These are what drew me to DMDave in the first place, and what have kept here.

Frank Moore

Like I've said in the past, I would love to see your take on "non-standard versions of regular monsters". That would be awesome.


Expanded stuff for Helkara and/or Badge Quest (which could be in any of the forms above) would be cool, too.


Helkara's been a hard push, so we likely won't focus on that much more (trust me, I'm bummed about it). However, BQ is definitely getting plenty of attention moving forward. But it might not be here since this is primarily a 5e page.


NPCs with detailed descriptions


Definitely down for more projects like Badgequest and Cousin Billy's BYOB,


Foundry VTT is still clutch for me. :)


Other: Drow Hard series.....isn't one of them 4th of July....hint :p Or similar....whatever that genre is called special occasion layered with fun reference to something elsewhere in culture. Same as the gremlin village Christmas. Etc


OK So I picked D&L because quite honestly they are TOO USEFUL to not keep getting. Very versatile content that is easily used in almost any campaign. But, having said that, I still enjoy seeing a totally new thing from time to time like especially the BadgeQuest and Horror books you've put out recently. Please keep doing non-fantasy content from time to time!