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This is an index for all of the Dungeons & Lairs arctic-themed adventures and how they fit into the forthcoming Frostlands campaign book. Use the map above to find each location within the eponymous Frostlands. The links below are the adventures related to this campaign setting.

D - White Dragon Cavern (Dungeons & Lairs #27)

A dangerous white dragon has turned a formerly hospitable landscape into a snow-covered hellscape, garnering attention from different factions.

G - Frost Giant Pass (Dungeons & Lairs #63)

A pass high in the mountains is home to a settlement of antagonistic frost giants. The party will have to travel through the pass without succumbing to the deadly winter conditions or provoking the wrath of an entire army of 20-foot-tall warriors

O - Orc Stronghold

Coming soon.

R - Remorhaz Mountain (Dungeons & Lairs #64)

The characters must enter the stomach of an awakened cliffside—a living mountain—and purge it of an “intestinal” infestation: the nest of a foul remorhaz!

Y - Yeti Caverns (Dungeons & Lairs #65)

The characters must find and enter the lair of a powerful yeti known as the Terror. Before they can confront the yeti, however, they must first dispatch his goblinoid minions.



Ken Siwek

DM Dave and crew, this is amazing stuff! Thanks again


It's Christmas in june !

Dr. Feargood

Just a quick question, are all these just for platinum? Frost Giant pass and Remorhaz Mountain have Electrum in the foundry links?


You're correct. But I'll probably reopen them temporarily to coincide with the release.


Was able to finally get White Dragon installed in Foundry, Thanks!