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Manticore Mill Ruins is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 3, 5, 8, or 11. 

The FREE version only includes adjustments for level 3. Get the full version when you become a DMDave Patreon.

The characters enter the ruins of an old windmill, hoping to find valuables within the wreckage. A pride of vicious manticores now call the ruins home, and they don’t care for visitors.

Download Options

Maps by Tom Cartos

Creative Team

  • Writing and Design DMDave
  • Editing and Layout Tony Casper/Spectre Creations
  • Cartography Tom Cartos
  • Art Fat Goblin Games, Matias Lazaro, Paper Forge
  • FoundryVTT Aubrey Moore, Bob Carnicom




The Ion Slime is not defined at the back of the free edition of this module but does appear in the low level version.