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Here are the Dungeons & Lairs series organized by terrain type.

Arctic Adventures

Frost Giant Pass

A pass high in the mountains is home to a settlement of antagonistic frost giants. The party will have to travel through the pass without succumbing to the deadly winter conditions or provoking the wrath ofan entire army of 20-foot-tall warriors

Haunted Castle

While hunting for a long-lost treasure hoard, the characters enter a wintery keep with a dark history.

Remorhaz Mountain

The characters must enter the stomach of an awakened cliffside—a living mountain—and purge it of an “intestinal” infestation: the nest of a foul remorhaz!

Santa's Village

After receiving stockings full of coal, a group of naughty murderhoboes (the characters) raid Santa’s village. Unfortunately for them, the jolly, old elf is ready for them.

White Dragon Cavern

A dangerous white dragon has turned a formerly hospitable landscape into a snow-covered hellscape, garnering attention from different factions.

Yeti Caverns (Dungeons & Lairs #65)

The characters must find and enter the lair of a powerful yeti known as the Terror. Before they can confront the yeti, however, they must first dispatch his goblinoid minions.

Coastal Adventures

Dragon Turtle Grotto

In this adventure, the characters must find the Grotto where dragon turtles lay their eggs. There, they will have to navigate the fickle tides as well as the traps left by the dragon turtle’s allies.

Echidna's Island

Echidna, the mother of monsters, lives in a secluded cavern below a swampy island, her offspring wreaking havoc in the larger world. The characters are tasked with finding clues to reach her lair and survive the maddening swamp.

Harpie Aerie

While traveling along the coast, the characters are drawn by the songs of deadly winged horrors—harpies! These despicable beasts roost within a series of caverns carved into a seaside cliff.

Lich Tower

The characters must enter the black tower of one of the most dangerous beings in the world, a lich.

Pirate Cove

The characters must explore the Crimson Cove to track down a damaged pirate vessel—the Corsair’s Fury—and put an end to its crew.

Revenant Ghost Ship

A pirate ship has been cursed to sail the oceans for eternity, unable to take revenge on the one that betrayed the crew. The characters board the ship as it lies ashore and confront its undead sailors until they come face to face with the revenant captain.

Sea Hag Sanctuary

A cruel and terrible sea hag lives in a tidal cave network in close proximity to several coastal settlements, the occupants of which fall victim to her schemes. The characters are tasked with entering the hag’s lair to destroy the monstrous crone and the creatures she calls to her aid.

Typhon's Temple

Typhon, the deadliest creature of the sea and the monster of monsters, has infiltrated one of Poseidon’s private temples and has begun to wreak havoc, causing turbulence in the surrounding waters. The characters are tasked with journeying to the temple to confront and defeat Typhon to save the temple from total destruction and restore peace to the area.


Desert Adventures

Blue Dragon Plateau

The characters must enter the desert lair of a diabolical blue dragon, combat draconic minions, avoid dastardly traps, and circumvent other grim hazards.

Efreeti Mirage

Deep in the desert, it is said that a magical hotel will appear to adventurers in need. Unfortunately, while the Mirage Hotel does exist, its purposes are far more sinister than they appear.

Gnoll Burrows

The characters must delve into the rotting remains of a giant purple worm and root out the gnolls feasting on its flesh—along with their dark master.

Jackalwere Warren (Dungeons & Lairs #80)

A band of jackalweres has discovered the lost tomb of an ancient ruler and recovered a powerful artifact that commands the loyalty of lycanthropes. The characters are tasked with entering the tomb-turned-lair to destroy the jackalweres, their leader, and the creatures they call to their aid.

Mummy Lord's Pyramid

The adventure sees the party enter the pyramid of a dangerous and demented mummy lord, whose dark magic and vile curses may present the greatest challenge the characters have ever faced.

Raider Redoubt

The orcs of the Desert of Dread have been raiding travelers and caravans that leave the city of Sandara Oasis. The party is sent to stop these raiders.

Sphinx Pyramid

Forest Adventures

Banshee Tower

The adventure sees the party enter the ruins of an old, overgrown keep in the forest, from within which a spirit’s mournful wails can be heard for miles around. To stop the spirit’s incessant keening, the adventurers must discover her remains and give them a proper burial. Until then, her presence will continue to endanger life in the forest.

Ettercap Forest

The party is sent to an ancient forest to investigate a series of disappearances.

Fey Dragon Forest

While traveling through what seems like a mundane forest, the characters quickly discover things are not exactly as they seem.

Green Hag Forest

The characters catch wind of a deadly coven of witches and must enter an enchanted forest to root them out.

Hobgoblin Hideout

A band of hobgoblins and other goblinoids reside within an old bandit fortress, creating trouble across the countryside.

Owlbear Wood

The party is tasked with traveling into a deep forest crawling with beasts, bandits, and fey to hunt down an owlbear that has been attacking nearby people and livestock.

Shadow Cat Gully

This adventure takes the heroes into a small forest canyon inhabited by the shadow cats and their undead minions, as well as other forest critters.

Treant Grove

The plants of a magical forest have suddenly turned against the elven village located within its trees. The characters must clear out the village and figure out what caused the plants to attack


Grassland Adventures

Naga Ruins

The characters must help a band of monks clear the ruins of an old cathedral of the dreadful, vengeful creature that lurks within.

Hill Adventures

Coming soon

Jungle Adventures

Coming soon

Mountain Adventures

Basilisk Canyon

The adventure sees the party pass through the dreaded basilisk canyon, a narrow pass through a mountainous or arid area choked with all manner of dangerous monsters, including the eponymous basilisk.

Fire Giant Mine

The characters must enter the site of a treacherous mine overseen by cruel fire giants. There’s only one catch—it’s in the heart of an active volcano.

Griffon Nest

The characters visit a high-up location home to a griffon nest. They can take the griffon eggs and sell them or raise the griffons themselves using the supplemental griffon training rules included at the end of the document.

Rust Monster Mine

A newly excavated mine has attracted a number of rust monsters who’ve begun to feast on its riches. The characters must enter the mine and save all that sweet, sweet metal—they may even come out of it with a small business!

Planar Adventures

Archmage Stronghold

The characters travel to a pocket dimension that contains an archmage's stronghold.

Cerberus' Gate

After being transported to the darkest depths of the Underworld, the characters must navigate its twisting corridors and find Cerberus’ Gate, its fabled entrance.

Ethereal Plane

  • Last Update: January 31, 2023

This 29-page full-color PDF serves as a campaign setting and adventuring guide in one! Get everything you need to know about playing in the Ethereal Plane as well as 7 all-new adventures for different levels:

  • Parasites (Level 1): The characters must find the source and cure for a new ethereal-borne virus.
  • All Through the Nether (Level 2): An ice mephit named “Larry” stole a valuable artifact which ithopes to hand over to its superiors on a demiplane called The Nether. The characters must stop Larry before he reachesThe Nether.
  • Finding Dorrell (Level 3): The librarians at the Archivist Sanctum ask the characters tofind out what happened to the head librarian, Dorrell.
  • The Dhabrurm (Level 5): The Archivist’s Sanctum’s chief librarian asks the characters to investigate a haunting in town.
  • Plague of Xill (Level 8): Dorrell detects signs that dangerous creatures from the DeepEthereal might try to stage an incursion on Omeria. He asks the characters to learn what they can about the creaturesbefore it’s too late.
  • Revenge of the Xill (Level 11): The archivist Sanctum library comes under attack from xillseeking retribution for the characters’ intrusion on their demiplane.
  • The Ebon Maw (Level 14): The characters travel to an unusual demiplane within the Deep Ethereal to rid it of its dangerous inhabitants.

Download options:

Mage Cube

A powerful mage has established himself and his apprentices in a non-Euclidean demiplane where he hides his most precious possession, a mysterious scroll. If the characters wish to abscond with this artifact, they must contend with magical traps and summoned protectors.

Marilith Prison

A diabolical prison located high in an obsidian mountain holds a wealth of strategic military plans, political prisoners, and a large weapons cache. Getting in is as simple as getting captured, but escaping will be far more difficult.

Ophidian Monastery

While they are traveling—or trapped—on the plane of elemental chaos, the characters must enter an ancient monastery. The monastery is home to a race of dangerous snake-humanoids called ophidians.

Pazuzu's Aerie

The characters must travel to The Endless, a realm of chaos and evil, to battle a gruesome demon prince.

Salamander Forge

Unicorn Island

A famous big game hunter named Reginald Tolfree has opened a portal to the fabled Unicorn Island, where he intends to slaughter as many unicorns as possible. The characters must find Reginald and his band of hunters and put an end to his barbaric hunt

Wyvern Motes

Deadly wyverns circle the flying rock motes around a ruined castle in the sky. Characters exploring the motes discover dangerous foes and vast riches protected by the draconic creatures.

Space Adventures

Darkmantle Space Freighter

The characters are transported into the far reaches of outer space (or your campaign’s fantasy equivalent) to a seemingly unoccupied space freighter. They soon learn that they aren’t alone but surrounded by dangerous aberrations.

Swamp Adventures

Lizardfolk Village

Kraozzushk Mire has recently started presenting increased dangers to the denizens of several nearby villages. The characters must investigate disappearances that have all the hallmarks of lizardfolk ab-ductions and put an end to an even greater threat lurking behind the scenes

Underground Adventures

Aboleth Cave

The adventures must go toe-to-toe with a diabolical aboleth, an ancient, aquatic creature of formidable alien intelligence. Not only will the creature challenge their fighting skills, but their sanity, too.

Crawler Chasm

Did you ever wonder what happens when you fall into one of those "bottomless pits" or chasms in a roleplaying or video game? Now you no longer have to wonder, as this Fifth Edition adventure shows you exactly the horrors and dangers you’ll have to face once put into such a predicament.

Depth Watcher's Pool

This adventure takes the heroes underground into a series of tunnels, pools, and temple chambers where fish-humanoid hybrids worship a horrific, multi-eyed aberration called a depth watcher.

Dread Knight's Oubliette

This adventure takes the heroes underground into a massive dungeon overrun by intelligent undead creatures who follow the leadership of a mighty dread knight.

Fungus Grotto

The characters must travel into an abandoned fortress hidden along an underground river. A deadly planar fungus has consumed the inside.

Kobold Tunnels

Warning: Kobolds are pesky critters. You never know when they could spring some heinous trap on you!

Minotaur Maze

The characters must travel deep into the Low, the system of caves and tunnels far beneath the continent, where a maze will threaten to lead them astray before they face the guardian at its center, a mighty minotaur.

Night Hag Gallery

The characters must enter a realm of true horror: a night hag’s lair. There, they discover unspeakable terrors that test their sanity.

Underwater Adventures

Dragon Turtle Shipwreck

The adventurers must travel deep below the ocean’s surface to the remains of a wrecked pirate ship. Within, they will find innumerable treasures. Unfortunately, this treasure is part of a hostile dragon turtle’s hoard.

Sahuagin Temple

A group of overzealous sahuagin has assaulted the Sunken Temple, a mysterious location on the ocean floor rumored to hold great and terrible power. The party is sent to stop the sahuagin and regain control of the temple.

Xorn Tunnels

Flying high above the town of Darkwell is the castle of Tovin the Disfigured, kept aloft on caverns of enchanted bloodstone. Lately, a host of xorn have taken root in the caverns, drawn to the stone’s magic. The characters must enter the bloodstone tunnels and remove the xorn threat before they consume it all and cause the island to fall onto Darkwell.

Urban Adventures

Animated Objects

The characters must enter a magic shop overrun with aggressive animated objects.

Assassin School

The characters must infiltrate a school to recover a lost artifact. Little do they know that the school is a cover for a deadly assassin's guild

Chain Devil Crypts

Strange occurrences at the local cemetery draw the characters to the location. They quickly discover something sinister lurks within the old graveyard—and perhaps below it, too.

This adventure is connected to Wight Cemetery.

Cultist Monastery

The characters must either aid, infiltrate, or defeat the Cult of Yil in their monastic home to claim the angry god’s Extinction Arch, an artifact capable of penetrating the underworld.

Doppelganger City

The characters stumble into a murder scene with supernatural elements while heading into town and must unravel an old-fashioned mystery to catch the killer.

Flesh Golem Laboratory

A trio of diabolical golem creators and their gruesome servants maintain a laboratory in the center of a major city.

Gargoyle Cathedral

The characters enter a gothic cathedral to rid it of the pests within. Little do they know that the cathedral is the lair of deadly creatures disguised as statues. And that’s not even the worst thing there—pockets of strong temporal magic pose a great risk to any creature that enters the cathedral, potentially shunting them back into the past.

Lamia Temple

The party is sent to a newly reinvigorated Temple of Healing to investigate a series of strange disappearances.

Mimic Museum

A group of mimics has turned a museum of priceless artifacts into their personal lair.

Ninja Clan Hold

The characters must enter the Clan hold of a deadly gang of assassin ninjas.

Noble Tower

A noble family hides a recently discovered artifact high up in a well-defended tower. As it starts affecting the environment, the characters need to infiltrate or fight the tower’s inhabitants and find the artifact.

Oni Palace

The characters infiltrate a martial arts sect to confront its leader, only to realize that this leader has been replaced by a dangerous oni.

Shadow Hotel

Skeleton Tomb

The characters descend into an abandoned tomb where bony horrors await.

Troll Bridge

The troll Zulgeteb and his minions have taken residence in caves underneath a bridge on an important trade route and use their position to ambush merchants and travelers. If the characters want to ensure that the road is safe once more, they must brave the traps and enemies within the caverns until they encounter Zulgeteb himself.

Vampire Church

A small church hides a dark secret: all of its priests are vampires.

Vampire Undercroft

In the bowels of a flying castle, a cursed vampire has made his lair. If the characters want to clear the area of evil, they must contend not only with him but the other guardians of the undercroft.

Water Weird Ruins

Deadly elementals, both living and undead, haunt the crumbling ruins of a flying castle. Characters exploring the ruins discover clues pointing toward vast wealth hidden in the ruins’ numerous secret areas.

Werewolf Village

Stuck in a town during an intense blizzard, the characters soon realize that the town’s inhabitants aren’t who they seem.

Wight Cemetery

Strange occurrences at the local cemetery draw the characters to the location. They quickly discover something sinister lurks within the old graveyard—and perhaps below it, too.

Zombie Farmhouse

Following a strong lead, the characters investigate a recently abandoned farmhouse in a region overrun by the undead. Soon, they find themselves surrounded by ravenous zombies with no way to escape.




Nice job, thanks.


It's still pretty long. I might create additional sub-sections to make it easier to navigate


Love the layout. Looks like the party is going into the great desert bwahaha.