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Hey folks!

What a wild year it's been. 

We started things off with the fear that Wizards of the Coast was going to make it impossible for us to create content and ended up defeating the dragon, so to speak. However, the entire OGL fiasco left a pretty horrible taste in my mouth, not just with the company but the entire brand, which is sad, considering that I've been playing the game since 1991 or so.

We will continue to make 5e content for the foreseeable future.

Of course, that doesn't mean we're going to stop making 5e content. As you've seen, we will continue to produce not only the usual Dungeons & Lairs weekly adventures, but we've been putting them into books, too. Already, I've put together three books in the Dungeons/Lairs series, with the fourth finishing up this week.

As of this writing, I have four dedicated writers who produce content for Fifth Edition, not counting myself. All of them use templates created by me based on years of experience (and many many typed words) writing this content.

The OGL no longer matters for our purposes, as they've put the system reference document into the Creative Commons. So there is zero fear of them ever disrupting us again.

I'm personally moving into an editorial role and testing new brands.

With the Patreon content covered, I will start moving more into an editorial role, creating books from the content that the writers create. I will still write some of the 5e stuff, but the majority will be from them under my direction.

Meanwhile, I'll be focusing on at least three new brands that we've tested and have seen to perform well.

Just Passing Through: We published two of these books already. As you've seen, they are system agnostic; therefore, they still work with our 5e content, too. If you haven't seen them, they're basically drop-in towns, villages, and so forth, which you can use in a fantasy campaign. I'll probably max out all my fantasy ideas and then create a sci-fi series, too. Distributors that we're working with love this series, so expect plenty more to come.

Horror RPG: The Horror RPG has been doing extremely well, even in its early stages. It uses Year Zero Engine, which is a new system for many of you, but, in my opinion, is much easier to learn and play. I've wanted to make a horror roleplaying forever, so I'm glad to see it performing well. This is kind of my baby, so expect me to make a bunch of it because, frankly, I want to. 😛 I plan to produce one of these books each month, using Tom Cartos' Modern maps.

Badge Quest: Badge Quest has done ridiculously well. With the exception of the Game Master's Survival Guide, I've never had anything perfect as well as that one little book. As one might expect, I plan to focus a lot of my effort on it. However, I feel it's simple enough that I really only need to publish one or two things for it each year. Our next major Kickstarter will feature Badge Quest.

Other Brands: Since the OGL fiasco, I've made some considerable friends in the business, including the folks at Paizo, Kobold Press, and Free League. You can expect me to create content for Starfinder and also make our new content compatible with the Tales of the Valiant. We will also be creating content for Vaesen and Dragonbane. Like Badge Quest, we'll probably limit these to only a few releases per year and then see what does well.

Three more convention appearances for us.

We plan to appear at two more conventions this year. First, we'll be in Dallas for BGG.spring next week. If that does well, we'll be at BGG.con in November, too. Finally, we plan on making an appearance at Pax Unplugged in Philadelphia in December. I'll also personally be at Gen Con this year as well as the Licensing Expo in Las Vegas, where I hope to get the rights to some of my favorite horror movies so I can produce "officially licensed" content for them.

We're opening our first physical game store.

I'm opening a physical game store, too. This spot will serve as my base of operations and a fulfillment center as I've more or less run out of room in my home. It also allows me to hire more folks to help with customer service, social media, and so forth without adding a ton of extra costs. Because I personally don't need a salary from this location, there's no reason why it shouldn't succeed. And if it does great, I'll probably open more stores around the US... and maybe the world!

Let me know what's up!

Got any questions, concerns, etc? Let me know in the comments.



Your Foundry content is seriously top notch. 1) can we expect your new stuff to be translated to Foundry? At least your 5e non-D&L stuff? 2) what's the status on fixing the back log?


Whoops. Forgot to hit shift. Haha... 1) Unsure on that. We are currently getting stuff on Alchemy because it's easy. 2) I *think* Bob is officially done with Hand of the Eight, so soon. I kinda want to revise some of the old adventures, too, and bring them up to snuff with our current standards. That means Bob will have to adjust, too. He's also training Bree, our new part-time person, to do Foundry, so we're covered up a bit more there.


Awesome! Thanks for the reply. You guys are always really good with communicating with us.


Starfinder! Heck yeah! Can't wait!


As one of the many folks who emigrated from 5e in January, I'm so glad to hear you'll be making at least some non 5e content. Our group moved to Starfinder, so I'm stoked for that! ... Any chance we'll get that Mörk Borg content you mentioned in like one post forever ago? ;)


MB is pretty simple, so I could probably do a whole book of mini dungeons


Been working on learn vaesen and dragonbanes rules so this is happy news for me.