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Happy March, everyone!

I'm working on some new content for all of us and will have a few more posted today and before the weekend. Before we get started, I wanted to share a new variant of the Just Passing Through settlements series I've been working on. This one is called En Route Encounters.

Here is what it looks like:

There is a PDF copy below.

The idea here is that it's a series of planned encounters that can happen to the characters while they're on their way somewhere. 

Each four-page spread will include:

  • At least one little village, town, or city
  • A site of interest/dungeon for the characters to explore
  • 3-4 other notable encounters

It's a nice way to set the tone, make travel more interesting, and give a way for the characters to earn some experience while going from one place to the other. That way, you can stop just handwaving travel, especially at lower levels.

The first book will cover all the basic terrain types. The one above is for mountains.

Right now, I'm looking to make this series black/white, but I can also do color. It'll just be a little more per finished print copy.

Feedback and Poll

If you have any feedback or something you want to see me add to this, tell me in the comments below.

Also, I want to know how you'd like me to expand the content. I've got a few ways that I can do this. 

  • Right now, the version I have is system-agnostic, letting you use it with whatever game system you want to use. You'll just have to fill in the encounters. 
  • However, I can easily make it 5e-ready. But doing so may require me to increase the size of the spreads by a couple of pages, meaning the finished book will have fewer spreads.
  • And if you're not interested in something like this at all, I can instead focus on more of the Just Passing Through series, which seems to be extremely popular with all of you as well as folks who aren't patrons.

Let me know in the poll below!



Very useful tool! Helps us sneak a little hexcrawl fun into our games.

Frank Dellario

Love this idea. It's always tough to make the trip to and from somewhere interesting and to build up the appropriate tension. Make some fun and comical like they run into a wedding party on the road with the whole village out but the skinny bookkeeping groom needs a proxy in the village's traditional pre-wedding wrestling match against the bride's very buff blacksmith brother.


I was half-asses generating something similar for myself. My idea was coming up with simple planned-but-flexible encounter options for through various terrains in a sort of matrix that gave level appropriate options for all 4 tiers of play and included combat and non-combat types of encounters for each. So at tier 1 their might be a bandit ambush option and a traveling fortune teller option, while for tier 2 there might be a trio of hill giants waylaying passersby option and a roadside skills challenge carnival with possible minor magical item prizes option, etc.


Huh. There is an edit option, but apparently it doesn’t really work. Please excuse the typo errors.

David of the North

Love the B&W layout. As an OSR fan, I greatly appreciate it.

Chun Kung

As a pf2e gm i really love this pdf


I love this. A struggle for me as a DM is making interesting and intentional travel journeys and events. Using this as a possible template would be so helpful.