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It's never too early to get a headstart on things, especially now that we're planning books. April will officially be our "desert" month, meaning that we're going to be releasing adventures, monsters, and drop-in villages for desert stuff.

We'll do five different desert adventures for the theme, all of them featured below. Pick the three that you like best. Top five win and get made. The rest get put back on the shelf 'til next time.



Noooo how are GNOLLS winning over mummies and sphinxes for a desert theme 🥺


I misread your title "April Monster Planning" at first glance and thought it said "April Monster Pairings" - like wine with a meal. Then I thought that would be an interesting idea: Monsters that pair well with another, to create a more dangerous one-two punch! ("This monster combination is sublime yet impetuous, with undertones of bile and offal, and a fire-breathing finish!")