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Here is the political layout of Helkara divided into six distinct regions (seven, if you count the Free City of Kisurra, which the sorcerer-kings most certainly do not). 

Vrogathar controls the largest region in the southeast (although Evernight is technically the north pole, Helkarans don't use it for geolocating). However, the Blood Cult of Azathoth's territories have far more citizens. The sorcerer-king of Nazgar and his subjects remain within his bleak spire, Tryggva. A chain of volcanic mountains near the center of The Fester are home to the free people of Kisurra. The Fester's unapproachable both in the day and night make it somewhat difficult for the sorcerer-kings' armies to reach. 




I love this. It really drives home the bleakness of the setting. Especially “the Edge of Nothing” on the outer rim. There’s no place to escape, PCs.


You can in theory survive beyond Nothing's Edge. It's just super difficult, especially if you caught there during the day. Granted, the night isn't much better. Only scavengers are crazy enough to go that far.