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Almost a week ago, I posted the first basic alpha draft of the Helkara rules set.

Check it out here. Or grab the files at the end of the post.

After that, I posted a couple of surveys asking what you wanted me to expand. So far, I've expanded quite a bit, adding everything from monsters to maps.

Here's everything that's in there so far :

Changelog (February 2, 2023)

  • Maps of Helkara are added below (including Labeled and Unlabeled versions)
  • 8 new monsters for Helkara (Patrons only)
  • History of the Helkaran people added
  • Magic and arcane effects added
  • Character art added to the images above

Changelog (January 31, 2023)

  • Splitting the sections up to make them easier to edit
  • Added Necromancers and Alchemists to character creation
  • Gave mechanical effects for the flaws
  • Fixed a few errors
  • Improved the archer talent to reflect new combat rules that use movement
  • Listed the types of tests that you can make by ability score
  • Cleaned up advantage/disadvantage rules
  • Added in a movement system
  • Added in range for combat (pretty simple)
  • Added in additional actions during combat
  • Clarified improvement rules for non-archetype classes

Changelog (January 30, 2023)

  • Fixed a couple of grammar errors
  • Added in "10 Things to Know About Helkara"

Character Creation

Vote for the three sections you want most. I'll work on adding those in tomorrow's update.





Other - ruins that pre-date the Cataclysm, that hold a glimpse of the distant past or an area of great significance or power.


I've made a few pictures that hint at Those Before. But likely I'll never give a direct explanation of who they are or what actually happened to them. Mystery forever (and I do know their story... it's pretty nifty).


Love the Map.


I'm confused for the rules on scrolls and how to use them. Are there mechanical differences for the sacred and corrupted? I'm also unsure of what is contained in the scrolls. (I assume they constitute the use of magic/spells) Also, in the system and combat document, for Other Actions it lists use magic or cast a spell and tells you to "See powers for details." I can't find "Powers" in any of the documents.


Heya. Powers should be at the end of the Alpha Rules v0.1.1 pdf. There's no real mechanical difference other than "tone" for the scrolls. Likely I'll go in and change those a bit and clarify some rules on 'em.


Okay, I must be crazy, because I don’t see a header for “powers” anywhere in the document. I’m in the basic rules right now and have scrolled all the way to page 17 and don’t see anything. Sorry to bother you about this.