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Wooo! The poll series for developing our Sword & Sorcery world continues. 

Here are the other polls if you've missed 'em:

Next up, we need some greater powers/gods. Since this is Sword & Sorcery, the greater powers will be twisted, evil beings hellbent on destruction. The only reason they plan to keep humanoidkind alive is to convert them into thralls and/or food or use them for some other sick purpose. Alternatively, they might not even notice that humanoidkind exists, content to work towards their own dastardly goals.

But what are these evil beings like?

Pick the one that you like best. The names probably won't stick; I'll change them into something more fitting.

The Dark Council of the Immortals - A powerful assembly of immortal beings who have ruled the world for millennia, using dark magic and manipulation to maintain their power.

The Shadowed Pantheon - A group of powerful deities who control the realm of shadows and use it to influence the mortal world.

The Necromancer's Coven - A powerful and ancient group of necromancers who control the power of death and use it to maintain their immortality and control over the undead.

The Blood Magi Conclave - A secretive and powerful group of sorcerers who specialize in blood magic and use it to gain immense power and control over others.

The Abyssal Legion - A formidable army of demons and other abyssal creatures led by powerful demon lords who seek to conquer and rule the mortal realm.

The Dark Sect - A powerful and fanatical religious organization that worships dark deities and is willing to commit any atrocities in their name.

The Shadowed Syndicate - A powerful criminal organization that uses stealth, assassination, and manipulation to gain power and control over the underworld.

The Dragon's Court - A powerful group of dragons who control the elements and use them to maintain their dominance and hoard of treasures.

The Elemental Lords - A group of powerful beings who control the elements; they are feared and respected for their ability to control nature and bend it to their will.

The Time-Keepers - A powerful group of beings that have transcended mortality, they are known for their immense power and their ability to manipulate time and space.

The Great Old Ones - A group of powerful and eldritch deities with monstrous forms and aberrant powers, they are worshiped by cults who seek to summon them to the mortal realm.

The Dreamweavers - A group of powerful beings that control and manipulate the realm of dreams; they are able to influence the subconscious mind of mortals and control their thoughts and actions. They're often feared because they're rumored to be able to control people's fate.



Having fun with these polls, but can you make it a little easier and make sure the names in the descriptions match the names in the polls? Lol For example, "The Shadow Syndicate" in description became "The Syndicate of Shadows" in the poll. Minor, I'll admit, but made me go back and look for one I had missed.


For those wondering, this is *in addition* to Dungeons & Lairs.


Where are my "Politicians" option? Corporate Overlords (cough cough hasbro cough cough)?


Oh, I guess "Politicians" is just the Syndicate of Shadows, but out in the open.


Dreamweavers controlling people subconsciously is a plot thread that has not already been done to death. Love it!


Right there with you. I love the idea of an entire town just subtly being swayed to love/trust/defend the BBEG. Like the players are hired to dig into the BBEG, only to have the people that hired them end up being defenders of the BBEG when they try to report back, etc.


I am really enjoying how these polls are coming together... I'm really excited for this project.


Yup because you know you're going to be asked a million times lol


This is coming along great!

Ken Siwek

How do I only choose ONE?!??


I wish Blood Magi was higher up. I voted for the dragon’s court thinking of the strixhaven school founders of the different colleges (the awesomely different dragons). In particular, each would have a region, and be engaged in a shadowy proxy war with one another, but nothing out in the open. I would like to see different than normal dragons on the counsel. Like: iron, obsidian, orium, yellow, fang, topaz/crystal, blue/green


If golds, reds, and purples were hunted down and killed by all (since they’d be the strongest by far) it would be interesting to let clever versus vicious, versus crafty play out.


Or nighthag immortals are using onis as enforcers/Lieutenants

Meason Kolkhorst

you know that feuding factions might make a good story - one group wants one thing, and the other is trying to do another... Time manipulation VS dream manipulation.

Albert Nakano

The Dreamweavers kind of remind me of the Inspired from the Eberron setting. Yes, please.


I voted Elemental Lords but am not enthusiastic; all these sound cool. I’d suggest also that one reason they haven’t destroyed everything already could be that they are always fighting each other, so humanity’s fall must take a back seat.