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Hey everyone,

I'm putting up an anonymous poll here to get some feedback from you all in the face of the coming changes to the open gaming license. While I don't plan on continuing with 5e for eternity, it's not easy to just "get off the system." 

Why we will continue to make 5e stuff in the short term.

A lot of you rely on us for your content and don't necessarily want to change. So, if I were to change things overnight, a bunch of you might quit. And while I, personally, could absorb such a blow (as in I could reorganize if I had to), this organization is more than just me. 

I have writers, artists, editors, etc., who potentially rely on their commissions from us.

We will move away from 5e.

Having said that, I eventually will move away from 5e content. 

I have to. There's literally no world in which WotC doesn't completely cave and give us back the 1.0a. And even if that miracle did happen, why on earth would I? This just put hundreds, if not thousands, of jobs in jeopardy. That's some bully bullshit right there. Just 'cause they're no longer holding the gun to your head doesn't mean that they won't do it again.

The transition won't happen overnight.

Likely, we'll spread it out over a few months while we're getting organized with the other major players in the market. Meanwhile, we'll be introducing new content along with resources to help those who are interested in moving to a new system learn how to use that system (onboarding videos, starter sets, etc.)

Vote for the system you want.

Before I pick which system we're going to focus on, I want to poll all of you. Keep in mind that there is no guarantee that we'll use the chosen system. Nor does it mean that we'll change to this system overnight. This could take most of 2023. It also doesn't mean that we'll focus exclusively on this system instead of 5e or vice versa. This is just to see what you, our fans, want. 

I've put a few viable options for systems below, all of which I feel confident in creating content for. Pick the ones you like best. I've made it multiple-choice, too.

It's okay to stay with 5e (your voice will be heard).

I've also included an "I want to stay with 5e forever" option. This is an anonymous poll, so nobody (including me) will give you shit for that choice. Frankly, with a few thousand dollars worth of 5e content myself (plus innumerable books from previous editions), I don't blame you. 

But I understand that sometimes it's hard to be the one who speaks out against the majority. So understand that your choice is protected and that if anyone gives you crap for your choice or bullies you for it (assuming you don't act like a butthole yourself), I'll ban them faster than they can say, "I cast fireball." As someone who grew up with bullies a-plenty, I don't have time for that shit. 

Thank you all for your patience! 

I know this thing is a headache. And everyone has a different opinion on it. And frankly, outrage fatigue is real. I woke up with a massive headache this morning—well, 2 pm, but still—so I'm right there with ya. I wanna go back to making shit. Meetings and "HERE'S THE LATEST GOS" Instagram/Facebook posts aren't exactly my favorite thing to do. But this is the position we've been put into by a multi-billion dollar corporation.


Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-09 01:40:57 I am moving to C&C so 5e or classic DnD stuff works for me.
2023-01-22 03:05:24 I am moving to C&C so 5e or classic DnD stuff works for me.

I am moving to C&C so 5e or classic DnD stuff works for me.

David of the North

I somehow missed the poll, but oh well. I plan to stay with 5e for at least two of my campaigns (I still have the books after all) but will no longer be buying WOTC material. 3rd party I'll, of course, continue to purchase. That said, I'll be moving one of my groups into Shadow of the Demon Lord after their current campaign.


This is hard to answer. I'll be looking system agnostic. This is like 3.5 when the move to 4e happened, I kept playing 3.5. However, there are also other game systems. My table top group alternates between systems. We've got BESM, Unhallowed Metropolis, Cyberpunk, Coyote & Crow and the Storyteller system with primarily Werewolf & Changeling for Old World of Darkness and Hunter the Vigil for Chronicles of Darkness. and I won't take the time to rack my brain on all of the games. Plus, we have the 5e books we bought nothing stops us from playing the system we already have the books for. If this was a simple edition change and noses out of joint of wanting to stick with older one, that would have been one thing. In a way we will see a return to the system wars over which game rules are better and easier to use. along with which becomes popular. I'll admit keep the rules stream lined without being too convoluted because if I hear a system is way too math heavy and bogs you down on creation I don't want to play. Nothing like an X wanting to play Gurps and when you say sure, he goes on about point value and what do you want to play without narrowing it down for scope and setting. I have loved the Palladium system when I was younger, but the character creation can get way too bogged down before its other issues.


I have recently really been enjoying pathfinder 2e, I feel it gives a lot of the nostalgia for what DND used to be having grown up on 3.5 without a lot of the clunky things that made that system problematic. No matter what system you end up making for I wish you well


As they began releasing OneDnD playtest stuff I was just hoping the great 3rd party stuff that was coming out could keep 5e alive. OneDnD justt looks corny AF and frankly WOTC has showed that they aren't really deserving of any support. After the mess WOTC started with the OGL and their response, I started looking more closely at other systems and finding cool mechanics that I really like. I have 3 5e campaigns going and I don't really wanna bail on games with my friends, and I think some of these mechanics can be fun across different systems so I like the idea of more System Agnostic stuff.


Not super popular but some Star Finder...Pathfinder IN SPACE


Probably a ways away 'til we can create content for SF again, since it's tied so closely to 3.5's SRD


OSE or BFRPG. I do enjoy playing/running 5e, but it sucks that there won’t be anymore 3rd party stuff eventually :’(


Kobold Press has announced 2 things: Deep Magic 1&2 remastered will remain 5e compatible and also that it will be 100% forward compatible with Black Flag. I can extrapolate.


Yeah haha, I think Kobold Press' Black Flag is going to be the "lighter" option


So, uh, this whole fiasco has been crazy, and I was mad when I first read OGL 1.1 leak, but I wasn't like, crazy mad. Then I read WotC's D&D Beyond response to the the 1.1 leak released Friday. Then I got pissed. Really pissed. Do they really think the creative genius folks it takes to run and create for role playing games are going to not see through that total bullshit?! It's a complete INSULT to us all! "We rolled a 1". "We win too!" WTF, WotC?! Do you take us for FOOLS?! You guys clearly got caught with your pants down and the only sane thing to do was to beg forgiveness, add a "non-revokable" clause to 1.0(a), and pray, PRAY that we even give OneD&D the time of day. Seriously. You guys are so F'd now. 4th Edition is going to look like a runaway success compared to OneD&D. Idiots.


I’m getting into City of Mist currently


I am really loving the Light - Beacon's Edition from here https://gilarpgs.itch.io/light its very simple and easy to run, and meant for theater of mind, though I am porting it to FoundryVTT as best I can :)