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Hey all,

Just a quick heads-up, but I'm taking a small sabbatical until Saturday the 26th. I'll be online, but just in case I miss emails or forget to post something, y'all won't think I'm leaving you empty-handed. 

Not only is it a holiday here in the US, but I've also been getting my floors replaced. I'm finally getting this done after they got messed up last year from a 1-2 punch of hail damage and flood damage (separate events).

Dave at Pax Unplugged

Also, this a reminder that I'm going to PAX Unplugged in Philly next week, so I'll be here and there between then. But it's work related so, in theory, you should still hear from me.

What's in Store

I've got about 3 adventures in the works that I want to post before month's end and then more on the way after that. Right now, Ettercap Forest is done and should appear, if not Friday, sometime over the weekend. I've also got a green dragon one I'm poking at and a classic dungeon adventure for Electrum patrons and higher.

Anyways, thanks so much! If you're in the US, I hope you have a great holiday. and if you're going to be in Philly next week, I hope to see you there!


 - Dave



Well, thanksgiving is coming up, it's an amazing family day!) Hope you enjoy your holiday!


I think it is called a long weekend, not a sabbatical... Pretty sure that long weekends are allowed and encouraged at most sane places of employment. Even though you are running the whole everything here, you shouldn't feel like you have to apologize for taking a weekend to yourself.