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Update: I need five more one-word prompts to finish this up. You can post again even if you've already posted before.

Hey everyone!

In addition to all the other fun stuff I'm juggling, I'm getting ready for Pax Unplugged next month. It will feature a never-before-seen adventure written by me called Vaults of the Mythic Army, an old-school tournament module.

Here's the background:

Long thought to be only a legend told by elder elves, the Vaults of the Mythic Army were recently discovered near the gnoll colony of Kik in northern Aspaeth. The Jodove elf tribe constructed the vaults over 17,000 years ago to house the treasures and artifacts they stole from the danaavrakti during the War Without End.
Shortly after the vaults were unearthed, dozens of adventuring parties entered, hoping to claim the legendary prizes therein. And not a single one returned. Now, most professional adventurers completely avoid the place, believing that the only thing the mysterious vaults offer is a swift death.
But perhaps your group will be different?

This particular adventure will feature lots of traps, puzzles, and other hazards in the same vein as classic modules like Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan and Tomb of Horrors.

This adventure will not be released until after it's played at Pax U. It will then go into my Best of DMDave Adventure anthology with notes from the tournament and the original scoring sheet.

One-Word Prompts

As usual, I need some killer one-word prompts for it.

In the comments below, give me a single word. I'll turn it into a room!

This place has a ton of rooms, so I'll need a lot of words!

Same rules as always:

  • 1) Keep it clean
  • 2) No proper nouns
  • 3) One word per patron
  • 4) Nothing too anachronistic
  • 5) The words "defenestration" and "mirror" are retired due to overuse

I look forward to your words!
