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Hey all!

Welcome to October... spooooky month! September threw us some curveballs, but we managed to get through it and came out with a renewed sense of direction.

Content Release Schedule

Here is everything we plan to release this month:

  • October 10, 2022 - Dungeons & Lairs #Y-02 - Yazur Island: The Whispering Monolith
  • October 14, 2022 - Dungeons & Lairs #Y-03 - Yazur Island Player's Guide/Giannetto's Emporium
  • October 21, 2022 - Dungeons & Lairs #Y-04 - Yazur Island: Cemetary of Steel
  • October 28, 2022 - Dungeons & Lairs #Y-05 - Yazur Island: The Mine (probably)

The schedule is always subject to change and will likely have more added to it than taken away.

BroadSword Monthly Status

As I shared in my last tier update post, BroadSword Monthly officially ended last month in its current ve sion. Those who are still gold patrons this month will get a copy of the very last book in the series, the final Best of DMDave Adventure Compendium (estimated mailing date late November).

  • BroadSword Monthly #24 has shipped to US Pa rons. Those of you who were Gold or higher patrons last month should get a copy.
  • BroadSword Monthly #24 will ship to non-US patrons probably next week.  Those of you who were Gold or higher patrons last month should get a copy.
  • BroadSword Monthly Best of DMDave Adventure Compendium is in production now. The PDF should be available in early November, and the physical book will ship sometime in late November. Those of you who are gold patrons or higher this month should get a copy.
  • Back issues owed will become store credits you can use to purchase current or future products. There will be no expiration date on these credits.


Here is the status of all our Kickstarters.

  • Legends of Omeria will go back on sale this month, so if you missed getting a copy, make sure you jump on it.
  • Hand of the Eight is finally out in PDF form. We're doing one last typo pass on it. Once that's done, we'll grab proofs and then print the mofo. I hope to have copies ready for Pax Unplugged in early December, too.
  • The Fifth Edition Gamemaster's Survival Guide goes live next week, October 12, 2022, at 10 am CST. Make sure you sign up to follow the campaign. Speaking of which...


Hey everyone!

Are you looking for a way to take your Fifth Edition combat encounters to the next level?

Then, grab a copy of The Fifth Edition Gamemaster’s Survival Guide.

This book is a collection of 300 expert monster tactical guides for the Fifth Edition of the World’s most popular roleplaying game. The guides are succinct, easy to use, and inject great fun into your Fifth Edition games. Plus, they’re designed to challenge your players while ensuring everyone is still having fun at the table.

The Kickstarter includes:

  • A 300+ page hardcover book featuring tactical guides for almost all of 5e’s monsters.
  • Boxed set upgrades which include playbook cards, tactical GM screens, quick monster tactics decks, and more.
  • Digital and VTT-ready versions of all the goods featured.

Check out the Kickstarter here and back it today! 




If I've been a gold member since may of last year how many should I have?


How different will this be from The Monsters Know What They're Doing?


Concepts will be a little similar (can’t really re-invent the game), but ours will be more concise with categories so you can quick reference the content.


I also run some monsters a little differently than Keith, mainly those that don’t have immediately obvious tactics. TLDR if you like TMK then this will serve as a good companion


I've been a Gold member for a few months now. What should I have access to and how do I access them?