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The Cemetary of Steel is not a cemetery in the traditional sense but a massive junkyard of Deadrunner rigs. Many of these rigs were recovered from the ruins of Karnione and purchased by the early Yazurian-Pressonian researchers stationed on the island. When the Pressonians evacuated the island in the late 9th century, they left the vehicles here. Now, it is home to Yazurian gremlins, pesky prolific pests which only love two things: apples and causing mischief.

However, I don't know what's in there. In the comments below, drop some suggestions on things you can find within the junkyard or the swamps and forests around it. This location is on Yazur island, so it is under the effects of antimagic. 

Learn more about Yazur Island in the recent adventure, Yazur Island: Forest of Faces. And check out the images above to help you get a sense of the location and the surrounding environment.

Usual rules apply:

  • 1) Keep it brief (no more than 100 words or so).
  • 2) No need for game mechanics! I've got that covered.
  • 3) Only Gold and Platinum patrons may offer named NPCs.
  • 4) Keep it clean.

I look forward to incorporating your ideas!



James Munnerlyn

Rust monster breading ground. Gremlins get their giggles off by putting young rust monsters on travelers possessing metal objects and watching the protective parents and traveler's reactions. To try not to be seen the gremlins use different forms of delivery, slingshot, catapult, drop from above, slide, teeter-totters or what ever mischievous way they can think of. With antimagic, everything rusts.


Sentient cars, like mimics


Some sort of swamp creature that's learned how to incorporate parts of the rigs into its body, either as protection, or weapons. Like a Swamp Thing cyborg?


Mechanical horses for the party to get to the next area. Lots of annoying environmental effects caused by gremlins. Traps of falling scrap/pits. A fetch quest to find a needle in a haystack. Partially scrapped golems that keep fighting limbs missing. References to Megas XLR


Remember the chiwigas from Tomb of Annihilation?




animated vehicles that when threatened merge together into a larger automoton.... think Voltron :)

Ken Siwek

A track for the dead runners, like a demolition derby, run by gremlins. Periodically, anyone who gets too close gets pelted with apple cores and empty cider bottles.