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Welcome to Yazur Island!

For those just learning about Omeria, Yazur Island is a 900-square-mile island off Omeria's northeastern coast. It's approximately 50 miles from Imfe Caan Asaari, the "capital" city of Vaskil Valley. Once the site of a few noteworthy Pressonian settlements, Yazur Island now serves as an arcane prison for Omeria's most dangerous spellcasters; that's because 20-foot-tall, mouthless, horned cyclopes that call the island home generate fields of antimagic that extend up to 15 miles off the island's shores. Furthermore, the quickest passage back to the mainland, the Straights of Libby, is riddled with dangerous creatures.

Giannetto's Emporium

This time, we're taking a closer look at Giannetto's Emporium. Here's what we know so far about this location.

  • The emporium is a ramshackle shop with weird inventions, fake magic items, and spell components (just in case).
  • Most of the prisoners on the island believe that Giannetto is nothing more than a snake oil salesman (con artist).
  • Giannetto has a companion, a chimpanzee named Waldorf (not awakened).
  • Prison ships unload new prisoners roughly a mile from Giannetto's.
  • Giannetto often serves as the first person that many prisoners meet on the island, offering them advice, supplies, and, of course, adventure hooks.

And that's it! The rest is up to you!

What else is at Giannetto's?

Okay, now that we've got the basics out of the way, what else should I know about Giannetto's Emporium and the area around it?

In the comments below, offer up a person or thing that the characters might find at Giannetto's Emporium and the area around it. 

Not all of the things you suggest have to go into Giannetto's. You can list things outside of the shop, such as potential dangers that lurk in the area.

Usual rules apply:

  • 1) One suggestion per patron
  • 2) Keep it clean
  • 3) Make sure you have at least a passing familiarity with how Yazur island works (there's no magic).
  • 4) Gold and platinum tier suggestions get added in automatically (so long as they don't conflict with the above rules)
  • 5) There is a strict limit to OCs added into the lore, usually no more than 1 or 2 per adventure supplement (gold and plat get preference).

I look forward to your suggestions!




Waldorf is a bloodthirsty monkey who can occasionally be seen hunting and feasting on the local wildlife.

Steve Skirata

The "crocodile" is actually a baby Tarasque ;-)

Chris Spradlin

Roaming band of feral mastiffs near the shop.


An extra-dimensional safe.


Healing potions that take a good night's rest to work.


I'll reiterate my original idea: A glass jar with fireflies that emulate a light spell. It comes in a black bag so when you pull it off, the fireflies are a-glowin'. (If they haven't died.) The light is pretty feeble - maybe a 2-foot radius - but if you're hurting for a little taste of that sweet cantrip you can no longer conjure...


2 metal stick nobody know how to use it (chopstick)


lol true in the real world, too (unless you live on the right side of the globe)


Glove box filters, turn signal fluid and muffler bearings... essential items needed to resurrect the deadrunner vehicles located in the mechanical graveyard


A djinn bottle called the Pun-itentury that will bestow a curse onto the holder to only hear dad jokes from everyone until they figure out the cause, then it either dissapears, or if you made another person laugh with said stupid pun/dad joke you decide who’s inventory the bottle gets teleported to next.


In most cars built after 2000, there's actually a filter in (or near) the glove box, to filter your cabin air. 😂 And I serviced a Mini that had headlight fluid... It was just a separate window wash reservoir, but it had little wipers over the headlights (for rallying, maybe?) But I love this idea!!


A (small?), toothless, (baby?) pet/nuisance mimic that changes locations and guides every night, leading to the occasional hilarious encounter of Gianneto, a prisoner, or adventurer trying to shake it off their hand while it gums at the affected limb. Perhaps the players encounter it when they first enter the shop and it becomes stuck to the bottom of their boot, like gum on a sidewalk, or when reaching out to inspect an item on a shelf.


lol... what's weird, is I don't think curses are affected by antimagic. :D


Or have a chinese wife (i do, and her name translate : Forest of Precious Jade )