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Doppelganger City is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure for four characters with an average party level(APL) of 3, 5, 8, or 11. 

The free version included at the end of this post only has details for the 3rd-level version of the adventure.

The characters stumble into a murder scene with supernatural elements while heading into town and must unravel an old-fashioned mystery to catch the killer.


Download Options

Choose one or more of the following options.

Just the PDFs. Get just the full-color PDF or black-and-white print-friendly versions:

Digital Asset Pack. Get all the PDFs plus the FoundryVTT module and digital asset pack (includes all tokens, maps, and other digital items for online play).

Roll20 Add-On. Get the Roll20 VTT-ready version of this module.


Maps by Tom Cartos

The PDFs include DM-ready copies of the maps. There are also gridded versions included at the bottom of this post.

We often work with Tom because, well... his maps kick ass! And we've worked with him for years (long before we started making our own maps).

If you want the full versions of Tom's awesome maps (plus hundreds of other professional AF maps) check out Tom's Patreon.


Connected Adventures

Dungeons & Lairs is our ongoing series of adventures featuring cool monsters in their native habitats. It's hard to believe, but this adventure is actually the 50th one in the series! Pretty cool to think about. Check out the full list of Dungeons & Lairs adventures below.

Individual Dungeons & Lairs

Outdated Maps or Maps by Collaborators:

Modern Maps by DMDave and Tom Cartos:

Dungeons & Lairs Megamodules


Support the Creators

This adventure was brought to you by these awesome people.

  • Adventure Design by DMDave and Laura Jordan
  • Writing JKW
  • Cartography Tom Cartos and Watabou.itch.io
  • Art by Matias Lazaro and Paper Forge





Oh, take me down to Doppleganger City Where the grass is green and the girls have the same identity