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Hey everyone!

A bit of a crazy month this month as myself and two of our PDF-makers are headed to GenCon this week. We're going to miss a couple of regular releases this week but should make it up on the backend once we return.

Here is your monthly update letting you know what's coming down the pipeline for the DMDave brand this month (and slightly beyond).

Content Release Schedule

Here is everything we have planned to come out this month.

  • August 5, 2022 - Dark Domains #3: TBD
  • August 9, 2022 - Buckler July 2022
  • August 10, 2022 - Dungeon of the Week #4: Ruined Sanctum of the Void Prince
  • August 10, 2022 - Dungeon of the Week #3: Foundry Module Release

  • August 12, 2022 - Dungeons & Lairs #49: Green Hag Forest
  • August 17, 2022 - Dungeon of the Week #4: Foundry Module Release
  • August 17, 2022 - Dungeon of the Week #5: Dungeon of Hari

  • August 19, 2022 - Dungeons & Lairs Megamodule #2: Seekers of Yil
  • August 24, 2022 - Dungeon of the Week #5: Foundry Module Release
  • August 24, 2022 - Dungeon of the Week #6: TBD
  • August 26, 2022 - Dungeons & Lairs #50: Weirdspace Anthology #1
  • August 31, 2022 - Dungeon of the Week #7: TBD

The schedule is always subject to change and will likely have more added to it than taken away.

BroadSword Monthly Status

A reminder to everyone that BroadSword will now be on a 6-8 week schedule. To supplement the change, we're now offering the following benefits to Electrum, Gold, and Platinum subscribers.

Current Status of BroadSwords

  • BroadSwords #22 and #23 were shipped last month. We ran short on supply at our vendor, so a handful (about 30 or so) are a little behind.
  • BroadSword #24 is at the printers and should start shipping in a couple of weeks.
  • BroadSword #25 is written and will feature the Tovin's Flying Castle adventure path along with a few exclusive adventures. This probably won't drop until early next month.
  • BroadSword #26 will feature the upcoming Seekers of Yil adventure path along with a few exclusive adventures.
  • BroadSword #27 will cover our WeirdSpace anthology series.


Here is the status of all our Kickstarters.

  • Legends of Omeria is out and in the hands of those who ordered it. I am in the process of following up on those who didn't get their copies. We should have some additional copies for sale soon.
  • Hand of the Eight is officially written and is now in the final edits stage. Scott is working through the content now.
  • We are currently in the planning phase for our next Kickstarter. I'm not sure what I want to do yet, but I know that I want it to be something that a) I completely write before we launch and b) is relatively cheap compared to the last few Kickstarters.




I'm curious what character levels these new modules will be targeted towards? Apologies if this has already been covered in a previous update. My group is about to hit level-11, and would be awesome to continue slotting in DMDAVE stuff as they approach higher levels! I've already run a handful of your adventures and they're always a big hit. :)


Seekers of Yik I think will be 11ish. DotW has adjustable levels up to 14 I think


It's will be interesting a gazeeter for Omeria, explain all region with map of the region road city... the nature and some legend/rumor of each region and politic intern...