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Mage Cube is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure for four characters with an average party level (APL)of 5, 8, 11, or 14. This document offers a general guideline on scaling the adventure for each level. A powerful mage has established himself and his apprentices in a non-Euclidean demiplane where he hides his most precious possession, a mysterious scroll. If the characters wish to abscond with this artifact, they must contend with magical traps and summoned protectors.


Choose one or more of the following options.

Just the PDFs. Get just the full-color PDF or black-and-white print-friendly versions:

  • Download the files at the end of the post

Digital Asset Pack. Get all the PDFs plus the FoundryVTT module and digital asset pack (includes all tokens, maps, and other digital items for online play).

Roll20 Add-On. Get the Roll20 VTT-ready version of this module.


The PDFs include DM-ready copies of the maps.

The full version of the maps featured in this adventure is available to all DMDave Patrons. You get access to the maps, plus all the other PDFs featured on DMDave's Patreon.


You can play this adventure as a stand-alone dungeon or as part of the upcoming Seekers of Yil Megamodule. The other entries are listed below.


This module was brought to you by the following creators.

  • Adventure design by DMDave and Laura Jordan
  • Writing by Ellie Hogan
  • Cartography by DMDave using Forgotten Adventures' assets
  • Art by Fat Goblin Games, Forrest Imel, Paper Forge, Splattered Ink





Hi Dave, love your work, o umderstand the map selling, but, i'm bronze and use Foundry, here in Brazil Dolar is a little expansive, the only thing that gets in the way is The "S" on secret dors, can't hide because its stay on the middle of the square, can you put Inside of the secret area next time please? I'm sure i'm not the only struggling on this. Have a Nice weekend :)


Hey Gilberto. I’ll put up a free version that doesn’t have numbers. 🤘


Hi Dave, I'm looking to run The Mage Cube module and I'm trying to figure out how the level 8 party gets out of area 1 if the Mage guard on duty runs away to alert Master Sarovar. None of my party's members could pass the DC 30 STR check or DC 30 Thieves Tools check. Are they just supposed to be stuck there until Master Sarovar arrives?


None of the doors out of area 1 are locked, aside from the secret door!