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Hey all,

A new poll and one-word prompt for you today. This time, the Dungeon of the Week enters the Forlorn Temple of Mash-Dinaxis.

Long after Mash-Dinaxis's fall, the temple remained deserted. Lately, an undead blood-sucking spider has made its lair here.

In addition to the watabou prompt, a huge, 300-foot-deep canyon divides the dungeon into two sections. 

Below is a poll with some additional creature types (in addition to the Dracula spider, of course) to inhabit this sprawling dungeon.

After voting, leave a one-word prompt down in the comments below.

The following rules apply:

1) Keep it clean
2) No proper nouns
3) Nothing too anachronistic
4) One word per patron
5) The word "defenestration" is banned (it's overused and there are no damn windows in this dungeon)

I look forward to the results.




