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Hey all!

Just a quick update on BroadSword Monthly. Books are printing now and headed to our new fulfillment partner, Gamerati, who will be responsible for shipping them. Hopefully, this will ensure faster delivery and a little bit cleaner CS. Those who are due them should receive #22 and #23 by the end of the month (barring any sort of disaster, of course).

Also, if you didn't already see, there's been a few changes to the Electrum, Gold, and Platinum tiers pertaining to BroadSword Monthly, which you can read about here.

#24 is currently being put together. It's our Dragon themed issue and it will be the first official issue that includes mostly BSM-only content, part of the newer, better, cooler BroadSword Monthly.

Thanks all!

 - Dave



I saw no mention of Gold Tier for changes. Any plans for that?


Sorry for the confusion, that's what I mean by Electrum+. Electrum, gold, and platinum. :D


I have not received my bsm as of yet are they on the way?

Holy Pickle

I became an electrum member, but unsure how BS gets delivered? Are we Emailed a link?


Heya! They come out once they're finished and they're posted here. You'll get a notification in your email when it arrives. #24 should drop tomorrow.