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This post lists all of the Omerian Lore articles from this Patreon and also offers a glossary of terms to help those just getting started with the Omeria campaign setting.

If there is anything that you want to know about Omerian lore, particularly lore during 50 AT, Winter's End  (the current direction of content), please ask away in the comments below.

Last Update: June 13, 2022


Winter's End - AT 50 - 130

The content here is for the Winter's End campaign setting which takes place in the early Age of Triumphs in Vasi Andres (known in AT 1045 as the Kingdoms of Man).


Encounter Maps

Regional Maps


Andresians. When the Pressonians conquered the Anorian lands, settlers to this area renamed it Vasi Andres (Early Tongue for "Kingdoms of Man.") People from Vasi Andres were known as Andresians.

Anorians. The Anorians were a massive group of pale-skinned, dark-haired elves who ruled the region now known as the Kingdoms of Man from approximately E1.531 until their downfall in E5.703, the beginning of the Age of Triumphs. Following the conquest, the Pressonians forced the Anorians from their homes and relocated them in Vaskil Valley, The Summer Land.

Arkuda, Komis Dyrr. The Komis Dyrr Arkuda (DIRE AR-coo-da) was a famous warrior and  noble living during the early Age of Triumphs. A replica of his longhall still stands a few miles west of modern Knotside.

Ayas Kelren. The elves of Imfe Aiqua claimed this northwestern section of the Walingmeota as their kingdom.

The Endless Winter. A period of roughly 100 years when Vapul's presence among the Anorians threatened to cast northern Omeria in a permanent winter. The Pressonian Conquest/Time of Triumphs ended The Endless Winter, starting the Age of Triumphs.

Gelio. Gelio was the name for the gnoll-inhabited lands east of Vasi Andres between the Vallan and Apolo Rivers. 

Komis. This is a title for an Andresian noble responsible for approximately 600 acres of territory. The komises served the Andresian vasiliases as military commanders, stewarts, and arbiters of the law. Most Komises lived in longhalls.

Imfe Mythse Anore. The city of Imfe Mythse Anore was the site of the Anorian capital and the location of Vapul's Throne of Winter. The Pressonians successfully laid siege to the city during the Time of Triumphs (5.703) and renamed the city of Notdokti (modern-day Knotside).

Notdokti (Knotside). Built on the ruins of the Anorian city, Imfe Mythse Anore, this was the original name for the human city of Knotside. Its name means Beloved Settlement by a River. 

Prezonakti (Presson's Enclave). Presson's Enclave was a major human city on the northeast coast of Omeria, and remains so in AT 1045. The city was founded a few decades before the Time of Triumphs by the warrior Presson (c. E5.630). The humans from Presson's Enclave led the conquest against the Anorian Elves in the west, and afterward claimed and settled their lands.

Rasgax. The heavily forested lands to the northwest of Vasi Andres were home to the pre-Conquest human tribes of Rasgax and the orcish tribes of Tar. The Rasgax led raids on Vasi Andres for years, believing themselves to be the rightful heirs to the fallen Anorian kingdoms.

Vasi Andres. The original name for the Knotside Region, Vasi Andres means "The Kingdom of Man" in the Early Tongue. It was a region starting from the point where the Apolo and Valln Rivers met stretching midway to the kingdom of Desneorus. 

Vasilias. This was a term for Andresian kings and governors during the early Age of Triumphs. Vasiliases ruled over komises, the noble class of Vasi Andres.



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