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Xorn Tunnels is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 8, 11, 14, or 17. This document offers details for each level and makes adjustments accordingly. Flying high above the town of Darkwell is the castle of Tovin the Disfigured, kept aloft on caverns of enchanted bloodstone. Lately, a host of xorn have taken root in the caverns, drawn to the stone’s magic. The characters must enter the bloodstone tunnels and remove the xorn threat before they consume it all and cause the island to fall onto Darkwell.

Download Options

Choose one or more of the following options.

Just the PDFs. Get just the full-color PDF or black-and-white print-friendly versions:

  • Download the files at the end of this post.

Digital Asset Pack. Get all the PDFs plus the FoundryVTT module and digital asset pack (includes all tokens, maps, and other digital items for online play).

Roll20 Add-On. Get the Roll20 VTT-ready version of this module.

Get the Maps

The full version of the maps featured in this adventure is available to all DMDave Patrons. You get access to the maps, plus all the other PDFs featured on DMDave's Patreon.

Connected Adventures

This adventure is the 3rd-installment in a four-party mega-module titled The Flying Castle. Check out the other connected adventures on DMDave's Patreon.

Support the Creators

This module was brought to you by the following creators.

  • Adventure design by DMDave and Laura Jordan
  • Writing by John K Webb
  • Creature Design by Tony Casper of Spectre Creations
  • Additional Creature Design by Kobold Press
  • Cartography by DMDave using Forgotten Adventures' assets
  • Art by Darryl T. Jones, Direquest, Matias Lazaro



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