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Download the PDFs and Asset Pack at the end of the post.

Manifest URL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tvt7nu2spkdwj1u/module.json?dl=1 


Adventure Details

Water Weird Ruins is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 8, 11, 14, or 17. Deadly elementals, both living and undead, haunt the crumbling ruins of a flying castle. Characters exploring the ruins discover clues pointing towards vast wealth hidden in the ruins’ numerous secret areas.

Get the Maps Here

Because the map files are so large, I put them into a separate post to make them easier to find. Plus, for those of you who aren't interested in running the adventure, you may bookmark this post to use the maps for an adventure of your own creation.

Get the maps: https://www.patreon.com/posts/66642869

Continue the Adventure

This is just one part of four featuring Tovin's Flying Castle. If you don't want to play the other parts, no worries—they each stand alone!

Get the rest of the adventure using the links below:

  • Dungeons & Lairs #42: Wyvern Motes (expected 5/27/22)
  • Dungeons & Lairs #43: Vampire Undercroft (expected 6/3/22)
  • Dungeons & Lairs #44: Xorn Tunnels (expected 6/10/22)

Creative Team


  • DMDave
  • Laura Jordan

Writer: DMDave

Cartography: DMDave, Forgotten Adventures (assets)


  • Matias Lazaro
  • Nacho Lazaro
  • Paper Forge
  • Fat Goblin Games




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