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Hey all!

A little bad news for ya, but there will be no Dungeons/Lairs today. Earlier this week, Laura, the superstar content manager who builds the modules and sets everything up was feeling a bit under the weather. I told her to take a few days off to recover and we'd just pick up next week. So, if you see Laura on Discord, wish her well.

However,  the contributors and I are all working on something pretty cool. Starting next week, the next four Dungeons/Lairs will add up to create one huge mega-module. You will still be able to play them separately, too. We're calling this module The Flying Castle.

The attached map is a preview of this mega-module.

So although we don't get to have fun today—on Friday the 13th—we have something cool to look forward to, don't we?

See you then!



Ben Corbett

Oh no... Seems to be going around we had to cancel our game this week too because of minor illness. Hope she feels better soon.


Fuck yes, Flying Castle mega-module! Sounds like it's worth the wait.