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Hey all!

I've got some extra art assignments for our friend Nacho this month and I thought it would be fun to put them out to all of you. We'll do it by fan popularity.

Here is how it works:

  • In the comments, give me a quick, original monster description of no more than 140-characters (a short paragraph). 
  • Don't offer any mechanics information. I can do that!
  • Review the other monster suggestions. Like up to three that you want to see get made.
  • The top 4 monsters by like-vote will get made by me and Nacho and get released in a packet. I'll ping everyone before this ends (approximately one week from now) to let them know to vote again.

One last thing: the theme is UNDEAD. The writers and I are working on a project that includes some cool undead and cleric stuff.

I look forward to what you've got!



Carnivorous fey goats


A skeletal creature that is a composite of smaller skeletons. Each time it gets hit, bones shower down, springing into little skeletons.


A group of hiveminded monsters that spread and expand their Hivemind with a dangerous mutative disease


A(n un)dead idea: incorporeal spirit that forces those in its vicinity to make a wisdom save or accept as truth some (demonstrably false, potentially dangerous) maxim specific to the spirit. Deals psychic damage, incorporeal with lots of resistances, reconstitutes after a time if destruction conditions are not met. Potentially controlled by necromancers or other evil adepts... could be used to make a party vulnerable or maneuver it into traps.


Large turtle/centipede monstrosity. Interlocking segments of shells, propelled by 20 strong scuttling turtle legs. Massive snapping maw.


An undead mind mage left on a hanging tree is freed when his body rots and falls away from his skull and spine, and seeks out those responsible.

Nicolas Desjardins

"Before you stand a hulking mass of bones and flesh, amalgamated together from the reanimated corpses from some poor, resentful mass grave."


My first thought was, of course, Trogdor. But that's probably protected IP at this point. My second thought was something akin to Jason Corder's amazing suggestion. It was an amalgam of a plumed bird's head (I was thinking peacock) atop a worm-like body (segmented). Part of me thought wings only, part of me thought it would have 6 appendages (akin to an ant) but I'm not sure if I wanted arms & legs, legs only, tentacles, or some combination of such.


Undead ooze that injects itself into a creatures bloodstream. Tends to splatter all over the place when the infected creature is slashed or pierced.

Wilf Chapman-Gandy

A good-aligned undead that in life was a hero of the people who swore in death to return when they're needed most to defend the people.


Some sort of vengeful spirit to bring back against the murder hobo party, undead versions of other monsters. Undead goo of necromancers that just dont get it right


Skelementals. Many undead are animated by necromantic energy. But some wiley wizards can use other magical energies. Skeletons crackling with lightning or held together by tendrils of flame.